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  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Today, blue life in the world 5 ème Congrès national missionnaire en Amazonas du 10 au 15 novembre 2023 Une église synodale en mission ! Participent à cette rencontre de Manaus nos soeurs Izabete Dal-Farra pour l'archidiocèse de Vitória ES, Joaninha pour le Réseau Itinérant en Amazonie, les 3 soeurs de la Communauté de Manaus Dora, Luzia da Penha, Terezinha, dans la "Tente Solidarité Femmes en Action". Carta compromisso nova missa joaninha Nous analysons la réalité de l'Église locale de l'Amazonie jusqu'aux confins de la terre. En partant de la méthode de l'Incarnation, il s'agit de sortir de la façon "colonisatrice" de vivre la mission et d'être la mission. Il nous a été rappelé que "le bout du monde, c'est l'autre". Les extrémités de la terre sont à côté de nous. En nous, dans nos périphéries existentielles. Les défis de créer des relations, une vie fraternelle. Plus que parler, c'est vivre... agir avec cohérence ! "La cause des peuples indigènes est notre cause ! " Si nous sommes catholiques, nous sommes missionnaires. La spiritualité missionnaire s'enracine dans la Parole de Dieu et l'Eucharistie. Dieu a vu - il est descendu et il a libéré... En Amazonie, nous vivons une expropriation de notre identité. Pourquoi la liturgie ne touche-t-elle pas nos cœurs ? Nous voulons être présents dès la planification et pas seulement dans l'exécution. Investissez avec la même vigueur dans la formation. présence des Sœurs bleues à la semaine de célébrations et prières pour la fête de marie vénérée au convento da penha Photos Fête da Penha : Patrimoine Capixaba (nom de l'habitant de Espirito Santo) - Vila Velha/ES/Brésil. La plus ancienne fête du Brésil, la troisième en termes de dévotion mariale - dépassée seulement par le Círio de Nazaré et la fête de Notre Dame Aparecida. Nossa Senhora da Penha a été proclamée patronne de l'Espírito Santo par le pape Urbain VIII le 23 mars 1630. Cette année, du 9 au 17 avril 2023, les Sœurs Bleues étaient en chemin, apprenant avec le Peuple comment vivre la Foi - enracinée dans les Valeurs Culturelles de la Famille qui sont transmises des parents aux enfants. Pèlerinages, marches, célébrations dévotionnelles, Eucharisties, spectacles... rappel de l'histoire de cette Femme - Marie, la Mère de la Joie qui, depuis 1570, a voulu être présente au sommet de ce Rocher de Vila Velha - Vitória qu'on appelle le CONVENTO DA PENHA et être ainsi vue par tous au Brésil et dans le monde entier ! En cette 3ème Année de l'Appel aux Vocations au Brésil, la Présence Bleue avec les Sœurs de Cariacica s'est faite proche des Jeunes et des Adolescents, avec une nouvelle façon d'être et de présenter la CONGRÉGATION DE L' IMMACULÉE CONCEPTION - fondée par Sainte Émilie de Villeneuve. Sœur Izabete Dal-Farra paraguay jubile Pour une économie de solidarité et de communion Economie solidaire 01 Visita em Nordestina 2022 Economie solidaire 03 Em Nordestina 01 Soeurs en visite au Lycée Emilie Economie solidaire 01 Visita em Nordestina 2022 1/6 Voir d'autres photos rencontre internationale d'économie solidaire à são Paulo - octobre 2022 Du 11 au 17 octobre, la province de São Paulo a accueilli la réunion internationale des économes de la Congrégation des Sœurs de Notre-Dame de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres. Le thème Économie de solidarité et de communion, au service de la vie, l'un des axes guidant le projet de la congrégation, également inspiré du grand appel du pape François à l'Église, a orienté les discussions et les lignes d'action des sœurs responsables de la trésorerie des provinces d'Europe, d'Amérique, d'Asie et d'Afrique. Le thème de l' économie de communion est le fruit d'un projet qui est né en 1991, après une visite de Chiara Lubich au Brésil, et qui a été l'un des points forts du pontificat de François, puisqu'il met en évidence la nécessité de proposer un style de vie alternatif au style dominant, en réponse au déséquilibre économique, à la gratuité, au partage et à la création de chemins d'égalité. Cette rencontre a favorisé la visite dans les diverses œuvres et missions de la Province de São Paulo : les Lycées (Emilie de Villeneuve et Notre Dame) et l' œuvre sociale ; Cotia : Résidence des Sœurs Aînées et Lycée, la Communauté de formation des Sœurs Bleues de la Province. Un pèlerinage a été organisé pour tous les participants à Notre Dame Aparecida. Vous pouvez accompagner ces promenades par les albums de photos. "Les soeurs iront là où la voix du pauvre les appelle". (Emilie de Villeneuve) Com o bispo dom Beto Breis Visita em Nordestina 2022 Comunidades eclesiais 01_edited Em Nordestina Comunidades eclesias projetos de inserção moments de réflexion Com o bispo dom Beto Breis Visita em Nordestina 2022 1/4 Voir d'autres photos visite de l'equipe générale d'Animation dans la mission de nordestina - octobre 2022 NORDESTINA : Diocèse de Juazeiro Bahia : Mgr BETO BREIS REÇOIT LA VISITE DE L'ANIMATION GÉNÉRALE DES SOEURS DE NOTRE-DAME DE LA CONCEPTION DES CASTRES, SOEURS BLEUES Une commission composée des membres de l'animation générale et provinciale des Sœurs de Notre-Dame de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres (Sœurs Bleues) a rendu visite à notre évêque diocésain, Monseigneur Beto Breis, jeudi matin (20). La réunion a eu lieu à la Curie du Diocèse de Juazeiro. La Congrégation a une maison dans notre diocèse, dans la paroisse de Santana do Sobrado, avec la présence de trois religieuses qui coopèrent aux activités pastorales du réseau de communautés. Justi Munhoz (espagnol), l'Économe Général, Sr. Margarita (mexicaine), la Provinciale de la Province São Paulo, sr. Angelina Bridi, et la Conseillère générale, sr. Rosangela Altoé (brésilienne). Les sœurs qui vivent et exercent leur mission dans notre Diocèse sont : Sœur Maria de Fatima Mardegan, Sœur Janete Soares et Sœur Maria Francisca. Sur la photo sont présents (de gauche à droite) : Sœur Maria Francisca de Jesus (Communauté de Santana do Sobrado), Sœur Margarita (économa générale), Sœur Justi Munhoz (coordinatrice générale), Sœur Angelina Bridi (provinciale), Sœur Rosângela Maria (conseillère générale) et Sœur Janete Soares (Communauté de Santana do Sobrado). Instagram du diocèse de Juazeiro : Les sœurs visitent la communauté de Santana do Sobrado. Moments en communauté, visite de quelques communautés ecclésiales . Célébration eucharistique à la résidence du curé Père Amancio et visite à Dom Carlos Alberto, évêque diocésain de Juazeiro Bahia. Economie solidare mato Grosso Today, with Emilie, in the world... The founder Saint Emilie de Villeneuve! ​ a woman who believed it was possible : to commit one's life to following Jesus to get involved in the construction of a fair and united society to realize and realize this dream This is how the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres, the Blue Sisters, was born. Découvrir Découvrir uisg letter - synod 2023 See more echoes : council of congregation See more thanksgiving mass gabon See more with the sisters of massac See more rede vida: with janetinha 1a. P See more Mother's day in cotia - May 8 See more rede vida: with janetinha 2A. P See more formation of sisters and laity See more Saint Joseph makes himself present See more prayer for vocations See more encounter vocation level See more celebration of the sending of sr. joaninha for a new mission in the borders of amazonia See other videos, photos celebration of the sending of sr. joaninha for a new mission in the borders of amazonia See other videos, photos Meeting of the sisters of the Province of São Paulo with those of mato grosso to mato grosso - juin 2022 Very interesting visits: the river Cuiabá, where the first French sisters arrived in 1904, the cathedral, Asilo Santa Rita, Livramento, Poconé,... Album 2 Encounters Album 3 (Chacara Santa Rosa) Meeting of the Sisters of the Province of São Paulo with those of mato grosso to mato grosso - June 2022 We visited communities and places that are dear to us. Moments of joy, of celebration lived in joy. Album 1 Visits - Album 3 (Chacara Santa Rosa) Meeting of the Sisters of the Province of São Paulo with those of mato grosso to mato grosso - June 2022 Cáceres and the Chácara Santa Rosa welcomed us with great joy. Some photos for all those who experienced the Meeting. Album 1 Visits Album 2 Encounters enthronement of saint emilie and mass of thanksgiving for the jubilees of our sisters. May 22, 2022 A memorable day, the enthronement of Saint Emilia in the parish of Saint Anthony of Caacupemi-Aregua and the birthdays of the Sisters precious meeting between the Provinces of São Paulo and mato grosso in são paulo: from 18 to May 22, 2022 An exchange of memories, stories, joys in this reunion. This is BEING BLUE! valuable meeting between the Provinces of São Paulo and mato grosso - May 2022 An exchange of memories, stories, joys in this reunion. Here at Notre Dame College - Sumaré SP valuable meeting between the Provinces of São Paulo and mato grosso - May 2022 An exchange of memories, stories, joy... in this reunion. joy at the emilie de villeneuve residence in castres on October 3, 2022 Our sisters Marie Reine and Paule -very happy Video October 3 is celebrated with the residents of the Emilie de Villeneuve nursing home. Sisters Adélaïde and Jeanne Hermine organized the afternoon with a short slide on Emilie's life and the continents where we are present. At the end of the presentation, we offered them short videos of choreographies from Benin, Pakistan and France. The joy was at its height! The song "Ah le petit vin blanc" brought back good memories and everyone started singing, even our sisters. It was simply beautiful! We let you discover the video. May Saint Emilie continue to support our courage. Amen. sao paulo encontro joaninha mission 2

  • Life and Mission of the Sisters | Immaculée Conception

    vie et mission des sœurs Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube In Easter joy, I sing with you a vibrant Alleluia! Sr Sidonie 04 Avec la Vie consacrée en Afrique sidonie01b Oeuvrant pour la Paix sidonie 02 Vie difficile des migrants à la frontière du Peru Sr Sidonie 04 Avec la Vie consacrée en Afrique 1/3 Dear Sisters and Charismatic Family, A year ago, you welcomed as a body, with joy, confidence and faith, the choice of Pope Francis over me through the appointment of Consultor to the CIVCSVA. One year later, I would like to say a sincere thank you for your support, your accompaniment and your solidarity. At first I was confused and wondered if this was true, but over the next few months I didn't need to ask myself any more questions. ​ I thank the Congregation which allowed me to have collaborator sisters in various continents. Regularly, they carry this mission in prayer. Some give me news about consecrated life in their region. Added to other collaborators, they help me to have broader horizons and to open up to the universal. Thanks to Cecilia Bentacourt, Marluce, Elvia, Laure Deymier, Carme Boxadera and Anne Béatrice Faye. The Congregation also allowed me to take a language bath to learn Italian. I also reinforce English and Spanish. ​ The meetings made at the level of the CIVCSVA and the large meeting of consultors that we had encouraged and calmed me. I felt like a daughter of the Church, welcomed and listened to. The load is not so heavy insofar as it is from time to time and each consultor can continue the mission entrusted to him in his institute or in the Church without being overloaded. The profiles of the consultors are varied: bishops, a few lay people, consecrated persons with various experiences and skills, professionals, superiors general, a nun... As a theologian, the appointment also made me better known, I respond to various intercontinental requests according to my availability. Finally, what a beautiful experience of the Church! From time to time, I host conferences, meetings, I accompany animation teams, chapters, people too... in the end, I receive more than I give. These virtual or face-to-face meetings are extremely rich and formative and give me the opportunity to live the Fourth Vow to the full in the encounter with concrete people or various groups. But on a daily basis, it is thanks to the formidable formative community with which I live that the entrusted mission acquires a new impetus. We are two sisters, Sister Irène Ekye Kaka and I, two postulants and two aspirants. Joy and peace, investment in the growth of young people is for me a concrete service of CIC religious life, as well as the availability for the service of formation in the Province, REPA and the Church. Alongside this beautiful community that we form, we are in charge of the educational community of the Mother Jean Gabriel School Complex, which has 1,434 young people and 125 employees. A beautiful synergy where lay people and five institutes of consecrated life interact in the service of the education of children and young people, according to the charism of Saint Emilie. Animating, accompanying, training and supervising while walking together, such is our vision inspired by the Educational Project of the Congregation (PEC) and Emilie's practice. Like Mary Magdalene overwhelmed by the call of the Risen One, I feel called by my name and, the Risen One, at each Eucharist comes to me in a particular way to renew his love and his trust. Also, I feel like a missionary of the resurrection, a fragile little servant, beloved by God and flooded with his mercy. God fills us Alleluia!, may his name be blessed, may you also be blessed for what you are and what you do for the advancement of the Reign of God and for the Church in synodal progress. Saint Emilie watches over us with incredible maternal solicitude! Pray again for me, I too carry you in my heart and in my prayers. Again, Happy Easter! Fraternally, Marie Sidonie, cic testimony of sister Sidonie oyembo one year after receiving her mission to the vatican April 2022 See more Sister Marie Sidonie OYEMBO, cic, Consultor at the CIVCSVA, BP 340, Tel /WhatsApp: +24177510144/ mail . Libreville-GABON. Sister Joaninha lives this painful moment with the Migrants in Amazonia Irm%C3%A3%20Joaninha%20CIC_edited Soeur Joaninha avec les migrants à la frontière du Perou Joaninha Honório Madeira, missionária da Rede Itknersnte da Repam (Foto: Alexandre Cruz Noronha/Amazônia Real) 09 pont joaninha Sem perspectivas de emprego, imigrantes iniciam movimento de retorno e enfrentam dificuldades na fronteira com o Peru. A imagem acima é de autoria de Alexandre Cruz Noronha/Amazônia Real. policia amazonas Difficultés rencontrées pendant 27 jours. Irm%C3%A3%20Joaninha%20CIC_edited Soeur Joaninha avec les migrants à la frontière du Perou Joaninha Honório Madeira, missionária da Rede Itknersnte da Repam (Foto: Alexandre Cruz Noronha/Amazônia Real) 1/9 "What we are going through here, really, is a cruel thing. It touches the heart of humanity. People are treated like objects, like trash, and here in Peru it's the first time we've seen it. Let's see. It really is a cruel thing. The expression comes from the Missionary Joaninha Honório Madeira, of the Order of the Immaculate Conception. Known as Sister Joaninha, she is part of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network, whose work consists of offering social and religious assistance to residents of urban, riverside and indigenous communities of the triple border. Along with other Catholic leaders, she found herself on the front line against shields and bombs thrown by the Peruvian police. "The police were extremely violent. Before, we had only heard that they were violent, but yesterday (February 16) we saw it. We were almost beaten too. The first group [of immigrants who broke through the blockade] were treated very violently. Three pregnant women ended up at the health center,” she says. For the Catholic missionary, Haitian and African immigrants also suffer from racism. According to Sister Joaninha, immigrants from countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba manage to cross from one side of the border to the other. "We are witnessing racism here at the border. People from different countries pass through. Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil. Chile, Argentina. Everyone passes. Now when it comes to a Haitian or an African , the situation is different and they end up falling into the hands of exploiters,” she reports. The missionary recalls that people of any other nationality pay 5 reais or soles (Peruvian currency) to cross the Acre River. On the other hand, Haitians and Africans must pay $50, plus $200 to get to Puerto Maldonado. For an average journey, vans from Iñapari to the capital of Madre de Dios cost 40 soles - the equivalent of 15 dollars. On the Brazilian side, immigrants are also victims of extortion by taxi drivers. For the short trip between the entrance to Assis Brasil and the binational bridge, you can pay up to 100 reals for a trip of less than eight kilometers. "This is exploitation. The border has become a way to profit from human suffering. We are looking for where we can denounce this. With the closure of the border, the river has become the solution to cross. Haitians are exploited because of the color of their skin. We see it with our own eyes,” says missionary Joaninha. ​ (Item Amazonia Real ) ​ testimony of sister joaninha honório madeira, missionary of the Repam traveling network in the amazon February - March 2021 See more See more pictures Amazônia Real's report followed the drama of immigrants trying to leave Brazil. ​ "I learned a lot during these 23 days of free presence with my brothers and sisters, Africans, Haitians, Congolese, from the Ivory Coast, from Bangladesh, from Pakistan, from India... Thank you for allowing me to live the Gospel of hospitality: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me into your city. Joaninha Honorio Madeira cic Itinerant missionary team of the Amazon. Marie Sidonie OYEMBO roma 03 Describe your image roma 02 Describe your image image 10 Describe your image roma 03 Describe your image 1/12 Sr Marie Sidonie appointed by Pope Francis The Congregation is happy to learn this February 19 of the appointment of Sr. Marie Sidonie Oyembo as "Consultant for the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life", by Pope Francis. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. See letter from the General Team In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Decree of Pope Francis on February 19, 2020 What does the mission of consultor to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life consist of? The Second Vatican Council promoted in the Church the vision of a Church, people of God, a Church “mystery of communion”, in which all the baptized participate according to their specific duties in the unique mission of Christ. ​ The Council thus made it possible to develop the putting into practice of two fundamental ecclesiological principles: synodality and co-responsibility. ​ By Synodality, we mean the communion of faith and of the faithful. The word "synod" means, "to walk together" - Laity, Pastors, Bishop of Rome - because Saint John Chrysostom already said, "Church, means synod".[1] A synodal Church lives by listening together to the Spirit, in order to know, understand and realize what God wants for the Church and for the world today. Co-responsibility is thus a concrete consequence of synodality. ​ The mission of consultor is understood from the vision and the concrete experience of the Church communion, people of God. Also, the Holy See entrusts each Dicastery with a share of the responsibility for the unique mission of Christ. To be a consultant to the CIVCSVA means to share in a particular capacity the unique mission entrusted to him by the Holy See, at the service of the Church and of humanity, with Institutes of consecrated life, Secular Institutes, Societies of Apostolic Life, individual forms of consecration to God (consecrated Virgin, hermit, widows), Associations of lay faithful with a view to being erected into an Institute of Consecrated Life, other forms of associations, unions of Institutes, Conferences, Confederations relating to the various forms of consecrated life. To be a consultant, the Holy Father, after having collected the necessary information and proceeded to a very serious discernment, appoints the chosen Christian who can be lay, religious, cleric[2] and publication is made by the Secretary of State. A consultant has a preparation, experience and expertise required in the field entrusted to him. He will be called upon to contribute to important issues relating to the mission of the Dicastery. ​ We thank the Holy See for the trust placed in our poor person and in our Congregation. We implore from all consecrated persons the abundance of the Holy Spirit, so that together and in the Church, we may persevere in the living of a consecrated life as disciples, humble servants and servants, who welcome day after day the grace of God's faithfulness. ​ Sr Marie Sidonie OYEMBO, cic [1] [1]On October 17, 2015, Francis gave a speech for the closing of the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the institution of the synod of bishops, in front of all the participants of the Synod for the family, Saint John Chrysostom, Explicatio in ps 149: PG 55, 493. [2] Some are major superiors of Institutes, others are bishops, theologians... Brief Biographical Presentation of Sister Marie Sidonie OYEMBO Origin and formation ​ Oyembo Sidonie was born on May 5, 1968 in Port-Gentil (Gabon), to Samuel OYEMBO and Jeanne Nicole NGUELE. She is the third child in a family of five. Baptized at Saint – Dominique de Moanda in Haut – Ogooué, she will receive first communion at the Parish of Saint – Paul des Bois in Port – Gentil and Confirmation at the Parish of Saint – Louis in Port – Gentil. ​ She did her primary studies in the Catholic schools Saint - Paul and Sainte Thérèse of Port - Gentil, then, her secondary studies at the Lycée Raponda Walker College in Port - Gentil and at the Immaculate Conception Institution in Libreville. ​ She did her Higher and University studies at the Catholic Faculties of Kinshasa where she obtained the Graduat in Philosophy (2015) and began her theology studies there, at the University of Burgundy in France where she graduated with a Master's degree in Social Sciences and Education (2009), then at the University AS Thomas d'Aquin in Urbe - DOMUNI a Master in Theology (2018). She is currently preparing her doctoral thesis in theology on the Eucharist. In addition to academic training, she has benefited from various training courses for human and spiritual accompaniment at IFHIM in Canada (Summer Sessions 2004) at Mater Christi in Burkina Faso (2006), in the DRC and in Gabon. She is a member of CAPACITAR INTERNATIONAL. Religious life and mission ​ Sidonie returned to the postulancy of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres at the Mother House on September 4, 1988. When she entered the novitiate, she took the name of Sister Marie Sidonie. After two years of novitiate in the same place, she made her profession on August 11, 1991. She made her perpetual vows on September 8, 1996 in Port-Gentil (Gabon). ​ She assumed the following missions: Parish Pastoral (catechesis, youth, liturgy, CEVB, Justice and Peace), Social Pastoral (Women), ad extra mission in the DRC, School Pastoral (Philosophy teacher, of Religion and School Administration, Educational Advisor, Director, Head of High School, Founder of the National Center for Religious Animation which has become National Chaplaincy for Catholic Education), Training (Professor of Theology at the Major Seminary, Trainer in religious life, conferences, seminars, theology courses, sessions and retreats), Animation of consecrated life (members of several commissions in her congregation (spirituality, constitutions, formation), responsible for the local community, Provincial Superior, President of the Conference of Major Superiors of Gabon ( COSMAG), President of the Confederation of Conferences of Major Superiors of Africa and Madagascar (COSMAM), Coordinator of the Vi Committee e Consecrated (COSMAG – CEG). Sister Marie Sidonie is the author of several books and articles on history, religious life, education… ​ Today, it is still given in education, formation and accompaniment of consecrated life. She has just been appointed by Pope Francis, consultor to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, on January 19, 2021. Sidonie

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Sœurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres. Qui sommes-nous ? WHO ARE WE? The founder Chateau d'Hauterive Family house Sisters at the Mother House Castres 1902 Rue de la Tolosane - Castres The Congregation over the years Mission in Senegal Letter from a missionary in Gabon in 1948 Spirituality Mission Cté St Jacques - Castres Spirituality: Seeking the Interests of God Alone The spiritual journey of Jeanne-Émilie, founder of the Congregation A life given to others... Jeanne Émilie de Villeneuve was born in Toulouse on March 9, 1811 and died in Castres on 2 October 1854. From an early age, she lived in the Château d'Hauterive (near Castres),_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_where his sick mother retired to take care of herself. She lost her mother at the age of 14 and three years after her sister Octavie. After her mother's death, she lived for some time in Toulouse where her grandmother took charge of her education and that of her children. sisters . At 19, Jeanne-Émilie returned to Hauterive, where she managed family life, relieving her father of this task, then mayor of Castres (from 1826 to 1830 ). She plans to join the “Daughters of Charity”. But, during the period of reflection imposed by her father, she created (with the agreement of her évêque), and in collaboration with two companions, the congregation of Notre Dame de l 'Immaculate Conception, December 8, 1836. The religious community quickly known as “ sisters Bleues de Castres” because of the color of their habit. In the anonymity of a house in Castres, she serves the poorest with her companions: young workers, the sick, prostitutes, and convicts in prison. Then the congregation saw the number of its sisters , and its influence extends to Africa (Senegal, Gambia, Gabon). ​ In 1853 Jeanne-Émilie de Villeneuve resigned from her position as Superior General to be replaced by sister Hélène Delmas. ​ In 1854, the cholera epidemic reached Castres and the founder of the sisters Bleues will die on October 2, surrounded by her sisters . ​ ​ Message timeliness de Jeanne-Émilie de Villeneuve The preferred option for the poor ​ The charisma of Jeanne-Émilie de Villeneuve perfectly explains the range and the diversity of skills implemented by the members of the community: ​ education, health, social, participation in the life of the local Church. ​ Jeanne-Émilie de Villeneuve calls on us to become missionaries where we are, by daring to take a stand for justice, peace, respect and attention to the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_smaller... in all our places of life, and to do all this out of love, according to the motto taken up by the Congregation: “go where the voice of the poor calls us”. "Go where the voice of the poor calls us" Jeanne-Émilie made availability and attention to the poor a priority; she took the risk of meeting the excluded, the prisoners or the poor girls of the rues de Castres... She devoted her life to caring for the sick , to the education of young people, to evangelization, to prayer and charity. ​ The mission of sisters bleues: go to the places of poverty In general, if the sisters Blue serve "God alone" according to the motto of their foundress, it is in the encounter with the poor that they are at her service. in the very spirit of their foundress, they are therefore sent to places of poverty: ​ on a mission of proximity with the people of the neighborhood, where they live, in community and parish life, in various professional circles, in particular with the poor, les people in vulnerable situations, with prisoners, street children, prostituted women or abused, in the promotion of women, the pastoral care of children. ​ The spirituality of the Congregation "God Alone" Here is what Mother Jeanne-Émilie de Villeneuve expected from her companions: “The best way to respond to the grace of their vocation is to consider in everything_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ that the interests of God Alone, his glory and the continual increase of his reign in the hearts ”. ​ Be in tune... Jeanne-Émilie let resonate in her heart the Word of God... Word that joined her in her life as a woman. She calls us to take time to be silent and listen to what God is telling us. Like her who knew how to listen to her family and hear la souffrance des jeunes de son period exploited in factories..., we are invited to working to help the people in difficulty, here at home and around the world. Its message is universal through its openness to other cultures in Africa, South America and elsewhere. And this listening to oneself, to others and to the world, Jeanne Émilie invites us to live it in union with Jesus the Savior and under his gaze of love. Contemplate and act... Jeanne-Émilie has created, built, written... throughout her life. But she knew how to root her action and see "God in all things and all things in God". It calls us to tirelessly seek God present in the heart of life, in the most small daily things... She invites us to sharpen our eyes to see the world “with the eyes of Jesus” and thus live a “contemplative action”. Lyrics by Jeanne-Émilie Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve offers us, according to her own experience, to live "the eyes fixed" on Jesus Savior (Heb 12, 2) to train us to imitate his obedience to the Will of Dad : ​ "More than ever I feel that I must live by the Will of our God and work without cease so that the life of Jesus may be established in my soul… stripping me of all that, in me, is an obstacle or an infidelity". "The main thing will be to have a great spirit of faith in order to properly conform our thoughts, nos affections and the strength of our will to his divine examples: living the life of Jesus Saviour". With eyes fixed on Jesus, "following his steps", serving "the poor and suffering members of Jesus Christ", thus fulfilling the "designs of love of his Father", go up with Him to Jerusalem "strong with the strength of Jesus crucified", "at the expense of our rest, our health, of our lives even if necessary, with a love full of trust". ​ Identity card of “ sisters Bleues” The sisters of the Immaculate Conception are intimately associated with Mary Immaculate. Like her and through her intercession, it is given to them to: Live as women loved by God. Participate in the continual dynamic of the Incarnation. Become disciples of Jesus Savior. Name of the Congregation: Founder: Currency of Congregation: Founding date : Tasks international: ​ Skills : Spoken languages : Current situation : ​ Roadmap : ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Life project: sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres, say "Les sisters bleues" due to the color of their original clothing. Jeanne-Émilie de Villeneuve (1811-1854) God Alone December 8, 1836 (Constitutions approved in 1842 and revised in 2004). Foundations: in Africa in 1848, in Europe in 1903, in Latin America in 1904-1905, in Asia-Pacific in 1998. Education, health, social, participation in the life of the local Church. French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, English About 600 members, divided into 124 communities in 18 countries: France, Spain, Italy, Senegal, Guinea Bisau, Burkina Faso, Benin, Gabon, DR Congo, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico, Haiti, Philippines. Community life, Personal prayer, Community prayer, Brotherly Relations, Family spirit, Simplicity, Eucharist and sacraments, life proofreading, Contemplation in action. ​ Religious of Apostolic Life, disciples of Jesus Savior, desirous of to propose the Gospel and to promote life, peace and justice through various actions . congr. vie des soeurs

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Documentos: Sínodo para la Amazonia 6 al 27 de octubre de 2019 Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie ES - La Exhortación Querida Amazonia - Pe. Almeida ES - Exhortation Apostolica Postsinodal PostSínodo para la Amazonia España - 2019 Gira postsinodo - propuesta alboan / aaa 2019 Mirada sinodal de una mujer del Sahel Roma: de la hermana Anne Béatrice Faye - 28 de octubre de 2019 Synod for the Amazonas Roma from 6 to 27 October 2019 Roma: de la hermana Anne Béatrice Faye - 16 de octubre de 2019

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT 20 ASSIGNMENT 18/19 TESTIMONIALS PANDEMIC CHAP. GEN.2018 MISSION BRESIL DEATH DOC. FR Mission of the Congregation - 2019 The Laity of Gabon to meet the Blue Charism Of these mountains of Judea Province of São Paulo the Easter Triduum 8° encuentrode basic ecclesial communities in uruguay Easter Triduum 2019 Holy Week in the Province of São Paulo is marked by the intense participation in the life of the communities which celebrate the Easter Triduum with faith in the commitment to the pain of Christ in its suffering members, always in the hope of participating in the joy of his resurrection. This year the sisters share their mission in the valley of Jequitinhonha-MG, Afonso Cláudio-ES and Petrolina-PE. Intense days with visits to the sick and the elderly, celebrations, moments of accompaniment and encouragement of the communities to persevere in their mission, despite the difficulties of local conditions. Christ lives and continues to rise in life and to reveal himself in the struggles of those people of faith who have an open heart to welcome him. BeatificacióN en Argentina: grupo azul Beatification of the Martyrs in Argentina on April 27, 2019 Live Celebration Live Celebration 2 Several of our Sisters (Germaine, Emilia Maria...) have worked and lived with the martyrs who will be beatified this Saturday... We join the Province and the Church of La Rioja with our prayers and affection. ​ Accompany this event in - Vatican News. - on the site of the Congregation KTOTV April 16, 2019 Mgr Jean-Louis Balsa, Bishop of Viviers presents the pastoral care done with young people on this occasion on KTO TV: ​ ​ Beatification in Argentina On April 27, Father Gabriel Longueville will be beatified... in Argentina. The Ardèche missionary sent to the diocese of La Rioja was assassinated under the military dictatorship in 1976. About thirty young people from the diocese of Viviers went to spend a month on the other side of the Atlantic to discover this figure of holiness. They were deeply marked by it. This "field pedagogy", other young people experienced it in Ventimiglia, on the border between France and Italy, to help migrants. Today, awareness of these issues is also being raised in schools. Mgr Jean-Louis Balsa urges Catholics to the conversion of the heart towards migrants, these people being "so many opportunities to meet Christ". Focus also on the "pastoral of the Syrophoenician". Following this biblical woman who wanted to collect "the crumbs that fell from the table" of Jesus, lay people on mission want to take very special care of the people who are welcomed into the Church so that they feel well integrated. Aired on 04/15/2019 / Duration: 26 minutes ​ ​ Beatificación de mártires en Argentina el 27 de abril 2019 Beatificación de los mártires en Argentina Monsignor Jean-Louis Balsa, Obispo de Viviers presented the pastoral carried out on this occasion for young people, in the KTOTV television chain: ​ BEATIFICACIÓN OF MÁRTIRES IN ARGENTINA EL 27 DE ABRIL Monsignor Jean-Louis Balsa, Obispo de Viviers presented the pastoral realized in this opportunity for young people, in the chain of KTO television. El próximo 27 de abril, el Padre Gabriel Longueville will be beatificado in Argentina. El missionero del Departamento de Ardeche was sent to the diocese of La Rioja there asesinado por la dictadura militar in 1976. One of our three young people from the diocese of Viviers fueron passed a mes del otro lado del Atlántico to discover this figure of sanity. This experience los marcó profundamente. This is “pedagogía de pisar la misma tierra”, the breeding ground for young people of the diocese in Ventimiglia, in the border between Francia and Italy, for compartir con migrants. Hoy, la sensitización sobre estos temas se realiza también en las escuelas. Monsignor Jean-Louis Balsa exhorted los católicos a to convert el corazón frente a la realidad de los migrants, “es la ocasión de encontrarse con Cristo”. Subrayó también la “pastoral de la sirofenicia”, esta mujer bíblica que quiso recoger “las migas que caen de la mesa” of Jesus. Los laicos en misión desean especialmente acompañar y cuidar a las personas que se acercan a la Iglesia para que se sientan completamente integradas” Aired on 04/15/2019 / Duration: 26 minutes ​ ​ Colegio Inmaculada Concepción de Ciudadela y los mártires Preparation for the Beatification of Monsignor Enrique Angelelli and Compañeros Mártires a Realizarse el 26 de abril de 2019 en la Provincia de La Rioja - Argentina Jubilee of Profissão Religiosa List of Irmas List of Sisters Videos playlist In French Pensioners, fervent supporters of the CO... In Spanish INFORMATION Joaninha's mission in the Amazon September 15 - 16 GOODBYE BETHUNE Argentina-Gabon Smile of children Sister Felicitas left us 09/29/18 October 3: Saint Joan's Day Emily Books of Saint Jeanne Emilie Online albums of the Blue mission in the World Journée du pauvre en Amazonie Formation et différentes activités en cette journée mondiale des pauvres 2018 en Amazonie. Equipe Itinérante - octobre 2018 Avec Joaninha l'équipe itinérante est auprès des "ribeirinhos" et des pauvres dans les frontières. Pastorale des Jeunes : formation Religieuses, prêtres et laïcs sont en formation pour la Pastorale des Jeunes au Brésil. A l'école de Kaolack A l'école de Kaolack au Sénégal les enfants apprennent à prendre des responsabilités pour le bien commun. Moments de réflexion au Sénégal Dans la joie nous vivons la communion de ces journées de rencontre au Sénégal. Journée des pauvres: Argentina Repas servi pour les pauvres en cette journée mondiale demandée par le Pape François en Argentina. tombeau BM Décrivez votre image Encuentro vocacional de jovenes - Paragu Rencontre vocationnelle au Paraguay en octobre 2018 L'automne 2018 à la cité Pèlerins et bénévoles jouissent de beaux paysages en cet automne 2018 à la Cité St. Pierre - Lourdes. Nord_est_brésilien_padre_cicero Pèlerinage au Ceará où l'action missionnaire du Padre Cícero est encore très vivante parmi le peulple. Festa de N.S.Aparecida em Cotia Grande fête dans la Paroisse et l'établissement d'éducation à Cotia avec jeunes et retraitées. Rencontre de jeunes nova venecia Encontro Jovens Cursilhistas das dioceses de São Mateus e Colatina ES com a presença de nossas irmãs de Nova Venécia Festa da 1a. Eucaristia no Nordeste Pequenos e grandes celebram o primeiro encontro das crianças com Jesus na Eucaristia - outubro 2018. Journal: The Spiritual Retreat in Gabon News from the Congregation September 2018 New Provincial Teams of America Saint Barthélemy in Gorbio... 20 years of Blue presence at Cité St-Pierre Journal of the Novitiate of Senegal - August 2018 Provincial Chapters of Europe and Africa CASTRES 1 - 3 November 2018 Provincial Chapter of the Province of Europe. ​ ​ ​ NEW PROVINCIAL TEAM DAKAR 18 - 22 September 2018 Provincial Chapter Assembly in Dakar... GENERAL TEAM WELCOME "MAKE THE APRON" ​ NEW PROVINCIAL TEAM BENIGN 23 - 25 september 2018 Provincial Assembly/ Chapter in Cotonou... ​ ​ NEW PROVINCIAL TEAM GABON/DRC 26 - 30 september 2018 Provincial Assembly / Chapter in Gabon for Central Africa in Libreville... ​ NEW PROVINCIAL TEAM

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    The Congregation: Spirituality Charisma Mission Spirituality - charism of the congregation the mission - PLACES OF MISSION Mission - Lieux

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    THE FOUNDER OF THE CONGREGATION: JEANNE - EMILIE DE VILLENEUVE Saint Jeanne Emilie de Villeneuve founded the Institute in 1836 Une femme en avance sur son temps avec un regard immaculé ! Émilie, aide-nous à pratiquer la mystique des yeux ouverts pour bien vivre la fraternité et l'amitié sociale ! Je remercie Dieu pour sa naissance en 9 mars 1811, pour sa vie et sa mission ! Longue vie à nous tous, les filles et de Sainte Emilie ! Mariana R. Vieira - Brési l ​ Lire plus Liturgical feast of Saint Jeanne Emilie de Villeneuve WE CELEBRATE OCTOBER 3 THE LITURGICAL FESTIVAL BY SAINT JEANNE EMILIE DE VILLENEUVE the 3rd of October You can consult and download the documents in the various languages and the videos by clicking on the titles See videos ​ Video archives: Process of the canonization of Joan ​ Message-photos for the Feast of Saint Emilia Proper of the Mass Liturgy of the Hours ​ liturgical celebration Liturgy of the Horas ​ Celebrazione liturgica Ufficio delle ore Today, with Emilie, in the world ... do you want to know jeanne émilie ? ​ visit the-on-line-library The founder Saint Joan Emilie of Villeneuve a woman who believed it was possible: ​ to commit one's life to following Jesus to get involved in the construction of a fair and united society to realize and realize this dream This is how the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres, the Blue Sisters, was born. a word from saint emilie for today We need the lights of the Holy Spirit to do everything according to God's will. This is the anchor from which we must never depart. (M190) (Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve) Calendrir historique Calendrier historique de la Congrégation (s oeu r Françoise Pernot) live this August 31, 2020 at 10:00 am - Brasília time 3:00 pm - France link of the da live: youtube congregation and edições loyola de são paulo To get to know Jeanne-Emilie better Read more ... On the Internet .... Read more ... CHAPEL OF THE MOTHER HOUSE - CASTRES Canonization's video of Saint Emilie in Saint Louis of the French - Rome

  • MISSIONARY LIFE | Immaculée Conception

    the missionary life of the blue sisters in the world Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie Button the mission in amazonia with the itinerant team - sister Joaninha See more pictures Sisters and brothers of the crossroads. After the first leg of roaming the Rio Negro, we traveled 108 km up the Cacuquiari River, going as far as we could in the days left for this leg of the mission. And we arrived in one of the largest Yanomami villages. It was impressive. Nearly 200 people in this village. A Maloca full of people. Many children. Need pastoral care for children with plants for verminosis. Nutrition, basic health care. Many needs. The communities of different peoples were very warm and welcoming. We were received with joy and openness so that we could continue to visit the villages and support the Maowaria of general languages, Curipaco, Baré, Guariquena, Baniwa. We came back tired from the trip but happy to have been able to be where the Church and the State are not there. On the Venezuelan side, many structures, ghost communities. Many houses, few people. Huge educational structures without schools... another world. On the Colombian side, we see a little more progress. Teaching is provided in the boarding school from Monday to Friday, when the students return home. And other difficulties. On the Colombian side, it is the Xaverian Fathers of Yarumal who deserve and on the Venezuelan side, the Fathers of the Holy Family. At the border. But the high rivers are abandoned. The situation is not easy. Fuel and living costs are very high. We have come to gather data, to know the reality so that with other entities we can discern what can be done. I would like our sisters from Paraguay who are in Caracas to be able to add to this mission on the borders and crossings. Thank you all. Today we will begin our descent. Yes, down the Rio Negro to São Gabriel. But we are already late because of the rain this morning. Goodbye. Sister Joaninha CIC joaninha novembre 23 octobre 2023 : Journée de la Mission. Vivons ce moment avec le pape François Découvrir Fruits of the Synod of Amazonia: women protagonists in the Church and in society Discover amazonia avril 2022 important moments for the mission in the amazon 06 01 05 06 1/6 Decolonization in the Amazon: Letter from Sr. Joaninha, itinerant missionary in the Amazon Iñapari avril 2022 PICTURES Dear sisters and brothers on the way and in the crossings ​ Once again, I am coming back to write you a few pages to try to tighten the bonds and empty the heart which continues to vibrate in these waters and these paths. Where the voice of the poor calls us, borders and moments of pause that life gives us. ​ After the intense month of January already shared, I went to Rio Branco for the meeting of the missionary teams of CIMI AO. Welcoming three new missionaries who have arrived and who are already inserting themselves into the indigenous context here in the Region. The itinerants had not yet returned. Surprised by the third wave of covid 19, I had to stay a few days in Rio Branco. I took the opportunity to go to the orthopedist, for questions of bone structure and physiotherapy of the foot which had broken during the holidays. Probation time was the month spent there. Rest while taking care of your health; recover the energies to continue to iterate. Support Cimi's missionary house a little. During this period, I had contact with quantum physics and the power of attraction. He helps me a lot and I move on to another wave. I am grateful to the Universe for this gift and for God's affection for us. ​ At the end of February, barely a month later, I returned to the border and Claudia (fma) was already there. However, the rest of the team were still absent. As I was enrolled in the Assembly of the Vicariate of Puerto Maldonado, I went to Cusco, to Quillabamba where the VIII Assembly was being held. The theme was: "INTERCULTURALITY, MISSIONARIES, DISCIPLES ON THE GO". A great experience. The mountain jungle and lots of green. An impressive altitude. You reach almost 5,000 meters in altitude. You see the most beautiful snow-capped mountains. Very cold. There was a week between arrival and departure. I stayed with the Franciscan catechists who live in Echarate, about 50 km from Quillabamba. They are far from the border. The vicariate of Puerto Maldonado covers the entire region from the border until after Cusco, that is more than 700 km. They are studying the possibility of a new diocese or something to help in this time of synodality. It's nice to see the natives being ordained as deacons and priests. The presence of Aboriginals at the Assembly makes all the difference. Although one can notice the coloniality of the evangelization that has been done. Lots of joint effort and great advisors in a virtual way which was a bit wasted. But, the result was that, from this assembly, each vicariate will act by “Decantura” (as if it is by region for us) where we live we belong to the Decantura of Tauhamanu; in the strength of synodality all are committed to participating. ​ From March 17-28, we had our annual traveling team training meeting and welcomed the new traveling team members who arrived (Brazil, Costa Rica, Argentina, Ecuador and Spain, who could only arrive after the meeting) . We spent these days in a beautiful country house about 8 km from the border, on the Peruvian side. We were assisted by two professors from UFAC - the Federal University of Acre. And another, from Bolivia, who was more of a holistic consultant, helping to integrate and decolonize historically rooted processes. It was a very good moment for the whole team to reflect, build and deconstruct complex themes such as COLONALITY and COLONIALISM, DISCOLONIALITY. It was a deep process that we have to keep working on. Here is a fragment of the report: "Discussion of colonialism, coloniality and decoloniality. We share what, for us, is colonialism and coloniality: ​ “Colonialism has to do with the conquerors who arrived. And coloniality has to do with this subtle experience that we often end up assuming unconsciously. Coloniality is present in our bodies, in our feelings. As a people, we are part of this colonialism. Colonialism as a process of domination, and then we end up replicating that, even in religious congregations. Authoritarian power, I command, you obey, linked to the power relationship, and this is reproduced in the spaces where we are. One culture imposes itself on another, ignoring or canceling out the other. This is not just a historical moment, this imposition existed before the arrival of foreigners. And it's in our body. The colonizer arrives and takes what is important for the culture. Colonialism is the instrumentalization of the other, of the relationships that have existed throughout history. And coloniality is what remains of it in the collective imagination and we end up reproducing it. Coloniality is a consequence of colonialism". ​ The families of Iñapari supported us by welcoming a small group to sleep, because the support house could not contain everyone. Once the consultation days were over, we visited the reality of Iñapari and Assis Brasil with the group from Manaus and the newcomers. Help the group to have a vision of the reality of the border that often defeats us. Intense days of movement and full halls. From the border they went to Xapuri to see where Chico Mendes, great leader and defender of the forest, lived and died. From there they traveled to Rio Branco to see the place where the great leader and defender of the forest lived and died. They continued to Rio Branco where they spent the night at CIMI AO and the next day they continued to Porto Velho by bus. It was only from there that they flew to Manaus. A very expensive flight within the region. ​ Two of the newcomers, Walter and Erick, stayed at the border to get to know each other and travel here during this first period of experience in the team. The others are in the Nucleus in Manaus with the possibility of spending some time here and defining where they want to live as itinerant. The rainy weather is over and we are already in the process of articulating the first itineraries in more remote indigenous and riverside communities in the coming months now that we are all here. ​ We are expecting two illustrious visitors who will arrive in the next few days: Adelson sj who is at Gregoriana, and Maria Helena, Sacred Heart of Mary. CLAR advisors for the itinerant network. They will be with us during Holy Week. They are going to visit traveling groups throughout the Amazon and have decided to start with our group. With them, we are going to celebrate the Easter Triduum in the communities both on the Peruvian side and on the Brazilian side. To get an idea of our reality. This time invites us to be open and “to welcome the novelties of God, in the words of Elder Camara, which surprise us, change our plans, our day and even the direction of our life”. ​ I wish you a blessed Holy Week and an Easter full of joys, vibrations of new times and great prosperity. ​ Happy Easter and gratitude for being able to be in this reality and experience such diverse realities and opportunities that help to grow and be reborn. We will see each other again soon with the joy of being able to meet and renew our commitment as blue missionaries. Your traveling sister who loves you very much. ​ Joaninha (and her companions/companions of this border. Claudia, Ivanir, Walter, Oscar, Eugenia Izaías, Erick and Fernando) also greet you. Iñapari, April 2022

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    SYNOD FOR AMAZONIA FROM 6 TO 27 OCTOBER 2019 postsynodal apostolic eshortation SYNOD FOR THE AMAZON FROM 6 to 27 OCTOBER 2019 synodal gaze of a Sahel woman Sharing of Sister Anne Béatrice Faye - Rome October 28, 2019 echo of the synod for the Amazon, one week later Sharing of Sister Anne Béatrice Faye - from Rome on October 16, 2019 UISG program with the Nuns of Anne Béatrice Faye - 10/13/2019 Video: In the Vatican Gardens 4/10/2019 ​ Dos Jardins Vaticanos, cerimônia com o Papa Francisco em vista do Sínodo para a Amazonia. Presença da Equipe do Brasil. Joaninha with the traveling Missionary Team and a group of natives and Ribeirinhos are in Rome for the Synod. Papa consagra o Sínodo para a Amazônia a São Francisco de Assis. Video Vatican News Le Site AMAZONIA : CASA COMMUN est un lien intéressant sur le Synode Panamazonia. It is a planetary mobilization around our Common Home, our environment. (Sister Anne Béatrice Faye who participates in the Synod in Rome) Amazonia Site: Casa Común in Roma Amazonia: Casa Comun in Roma by Roberto Carrasco OMI Other news of this event: Swiss newspaper In the Vatican Gardens with the Pope Papa consagra o Sínodo para a Amazônia a São Francisco de Assis. Video Vatican News Vatican News The Special Synod on the Amazon presented in the Press Room Let's prepare the Synod together pour l'amazonie : official website Interview con la presidenta de la clar SYNOD FOR AMAZONIA ​ Interview of the president of the clar Amazônia: missão de irmã Joaninha na traveling team

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Mission of the Blue Sisters in the world years 2018 - 2019 Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie WITH THE YOUNG PEOPLE in PANTIN This OASIS-93 This Oasis-19 wants to be a space of conviviality and fraternity which allows young girls to make a human and spiritual journey at the heart of their life as a student or young professional. Il is about Collaborating together to build this Oasis in our life and around us. This is achievable for this year 2019 in Pantin (93 Seine-Saint-Denis) - 4 Ways 4 people - Girls - Students and Young professionals ​ near the community of sisters, in an independent house with garden, close to shops, public transport (metro 7, RER E, buses and trams) and Vélib stations. ​ Contact Sister Catherine Alleaume Congregation of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres ​ Such. + 33 6 30 15 12 02 ​ Mail : ​ Manager : Sister Catherine Alleaume Address : _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1 36bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 5 City of Homes 93500 PANTIN_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5c f58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781 905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ​ Portal website: Web: ​ Advertisement in Fraternitêz! ​ Contact Us 4 paths PUPPET Send Success! Message received. Get in touch Contact Us 4 paths PUPPET Envoyer Très bien. Message reçu. Get in touch parish catechesis at the blue convent A day like no other! Coming from the parish of Sainte Émilie de Villeneuve and the parish of Saint Vincent de Paul. There were many of them: children from catechism, catechists and parents who followed in Emile's footsteps to meet him. Sisters Jeanne Hermine, Cinthia and Eliane-Claire actively participated. (Sr. Eliane Claire Kenguele) CASTRES: A THE HOUSE - MOTHER With sister Laure 10/19/2019 At the Motherhouse, meeting of the spiritual families of the diocese. On this occasion, our Sister Laure Deymier renewed her vows. We give thanks to God for the grace of religious vocation. Sr. Eliane Claire Kenguele IN SENEGAL CE 23 OCTOBER 2019 ​ Funeral of sr. Bernardina Vasquez XXIII Assembly General of CIMI – Conseil Indigeniste_cc781905-9548-3badsionary-minor Nos soeurs Joaninha et Edinéia de la Province du Mato Grosso_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ participent de la XXIII Assemblée Generale du Cimi qui élit son nouveau secrétaire et publie le document final avec des priorités bien définies et des missionnaires motivés.. . Presence des Peuples indigenes aé CIMI: video “During these five days of assembly, we have been awakened by the testimony of indigenous peoples and motivated by our struggles and our dreams. ” CIMI: Missionary Indegenist Council. Organization linked to CNBB, National Conference of Bishops of Brazil. It was created for the defense of indigenous peoples and their territories. This assembly, the XXIII, took place at the Center of Fractions Vicente Cañas de Luziânia, in the state of Goiais. The theme: In defense of the Constitution, against the theft and devastation of indigenous territories. Motto: "Stop !!! this land has owners! In this dark time that threatens the lives of "indigenous peoples", the CIMI wants to be a response of Hope. The harder times are, the greater the Hope must be!" (Pedro Casaldaliga) ​ International Meeting of Young Sisters in Castres Click on photo to access the album God's time ! 17 young sisters have just arrived in Castres from all over the world to take time for formation and preparation for definitive commitment in the Congregation to serve the Kingdom of God's Love. The joy in the hearts is great to be on the sacred ground of our foundress, Emilie de Villeneuve, and to find herself around the sacred fire of the charism she received from the Holy Spirit. We will "build dreams together around the fire", common thread of the meeting. (Sister Laura) In Castres – Mother House from September 1 to 30 and in Rome until the end of October 2019 September 7, 2019: in Gabon International meeting: Time of formation of young Sisters of the Congregation International Meeting: Welcome at the Mother House. International meeting: Today we are visiting the city of Castres. International meeting: Important moments to get to know each other better. International meeting: Opening celebration of our meeting. This September 7, 2019: Religious profession of Louise Sossou (1st Togolese) in Libreville.. Events and meetings August 2019 August 31, 2019: in Gabon Social: Family Pastoral PRESENCE OF THE SISTERS IN THE CITY OF SAINT-PIERRE 20 years at the Cité St Pierre The Sisters of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres have been present at the Cité Saint Pierre since 1998. Several of them have succeeded one another. Today the Congregation is celebrating 20 years of permanent service to people in precariousness alongside employees and volunteers. The founder of the City, Monsignor Rodhain, like our founder Saint Emilie de Villeneuve had the same aspiration towards the service of the poor when they said the one and the 'other : " the service of the poor is an honor that has no end " and "_cc754cde-3-1905-3 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the sisters will go where the voice of the poor calls them ». These two figures of the Church have the vision of the same mission for which we give thanks to be sent there. Sister Marie Sabine In Dakar - May 2018 On this weekend of May 26 and 27, 2018, the second provincial assembly (PAO) of the year was held. It was also the the day after the chapter, and our delegate sisters Marie Rose Dione, Georgette Ndour and Marguerite Pascale Sadio, with hearts burning with love and joy, took the opportunity to share with us the moments strong in....prayer, joy, fraternity and communion experienced as a family From Haiti to Cuba From May 25 to 8, the Charism of Emilie de Villeneuve crossed Cuban soil for the first time, during the 43rd General Chapter of the Congregation. How would Emilie act today, faced with these situations? A different experience, full of meaning and missionary learning, for us, called to '' to go where the voice of the poor calls us…'' (Saint Emilie de Villeneuve)… To Castres for the General Chapter Blessing of the Women's House in Zooré - Burkina CAP News Solidarity Philadelphia -Haiti Itinerant Mission with the Women of Savane Plate From 17 to January 22, 2018, a peace mission is lived in the Village of Savana Plate - Haiti. The Blue Sisters had already made a missionary visit last year to know the place and listen to the people...

  • Sisters Faces List | Immaculée Conception

    faces of sisters and their mission Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube Sister Joaninha Honório Madeira (Brazilian) "What we are going through here, really, is a cruel thing. It touches the heart of humanity. People are treated like objects, like trash, and here in Peru it's the first time we've seen it. Let's see. It's really a cruel thing. The expression comes from the missionary Joaninha Honório Madeira, of the order of the Immaculate Conception. See more Marie Sidonie OYEMBO (Gabonese) Oyembo Sidonie was born on May 5, 1968 in Port-Gentil (Gabon), to Samuel OYEMBO and Jeanne Nicole NGUELE. She is the third child in a family of five. Baptized at Saint - Dominique de Moanda in Haut - Ogooué, she will receive first communion at the Parish of Saint - Paul des Bois in Port - Gentil and Confirmation at the Parish of Saint - Louis in Port - Gentil. See more Marie Philomène DIOUF (Senegalese) Sister Marie Philomène DIOUF belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres. A Bible scholar, she teaches, gives sessions, animates spiritual retreats and writes books whose goal is to make the Word of God more accessible. See more

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    blue mission photo albums around the world VIDEOS Albums 2021 AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EUROPE CH GENERAL album photo: le retable emilie de villeneuve Septembre 2023 Nouvelles des communautés (clic sur image) Juillet-Août 2023 Nouvelles ... (clic sur image) Albums photos Juillet 2023 - Nouvelles photo albums: the life of the congregation, communities, parties, places ... 2022 ( click on the chosen image, follow the link ) Cité Saint-Pierre - Lourdes Fête du Citron - Menton Comunidades novos projetos_edited Amazonia! Novas fronteiras_edited 40 dias de retiro - CERNE Encontro internacional economia solidária Les participants à la rencontre d'!économie solidaire à São Paulo en octobre 2022. 175 ans présence au Sénégal 01 rencontre economie_edited 02 Visite Eq_edited 03 Vie religieuse aujourd'hui 03 Amazonie Joaninha_edited 05 Charisme Bleu 06 fête Emilie 2022 07 Cotia fête 80 ans Cecilia 08 mission bleue en amazonie 16 assemblée senegal aout 22_edited_edited 09 Mission Amazonie Joaninha 10 col d'Eze 11 rentrée Paroissiale à Menton 12 Menton pas à pas 14 Festival musique à Menton_edited 15 Jeunes philippines 13 videos er messages maison mère 2022 photo albums: the entrance to the motherhouse - 2022 1/1 Various photo albums of the blue mission in the world Equipe Itinérante - octobre 2018 Avec Joaninha l'équipe itinérante est auprès des "ribeirinhos" et des pauvres dans les frontières. Pastorale des Jeunes : formation Religieuses, prêtres et laïcs sont en formation pour la Pastorale des Jeunes au Brésil. Journée du pauvre en Amazonie Formation et différentes activités en cette journée mondiale des pauvres 2018 en Amazonie. A l'école de Kaolack A l'école de Kaolack au Sénégal les enfants apprennent à prendre des responsabilités pour le bien commun. Moments de réflexion au Sénégal Dans la joie nous vivons la communion de ces journées de rencontre au Sénégal. Journée des pauvres: Argentina Repas servi pour les pauvres en cette journée mondiale demandée par le Pape François en Argentina. tombeau BM Décrivez votre image Encuentro vocacional de jovenes - Paragu Rencontre vocationnelle au Paraguay en octobre 2018 L'automne 2018 à la cité Pèlerins et bénévoles jouissent de beaux paysages en cet automne 2018 à la Cité St. Pierre - Lourdes. Nord_est_brésilien_padre_cicero Pèlerinage au Ceará où l'action missionnaire du Padre Cícero est encore très vivante parmi le peulple. Festa de N.S.Aparecida em Cotia Grande fête dans la Paroisse et l'établissement d'éducation à Cotia avec jeunes et retraitées. Rencontre de jeunes nova venecia Encontro Jovens Cursilhistas das dioceses de São Mateus e Colatina ES com a presença de nossas irmãs de Nova Venécia Festa da 1a. Eucaristia no Nordeste Pequenos e grandes celebram o primeiro encontro das crianças com Jesus na Eucaristia - outubro 2018.

  • Cidade dos Meninos | Immaculée Conception

    Irmãs da Imaculada Conceição de Castres Cidade dos Meninos - Governor Valadares Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie NOVA MISSÃO PARA AS IRMÃS DA CIDADE DOS MENINOS em governador valadares. cidade dos meninos - valadares : hier ! aujourd'hui ! _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ tomorrow! TESTEMUNHOS, MEMORIAS DAS AZUIS DA CIDADE DOS MENINOS Testemunhos, histórias e memórias da Cidade dos Meninos Testemunhos, histórias e memórias da Cidade dos Meninos Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing 3° video : Irmãs Irene Maciero Julia Tambosi Hoffelia Altoé 05:39 Play Video Now Playing Testemunho de nossas Irmãs Angelina, Dária e Joaninha 04:31 Play Video Now Playing Testemnho de nossas Irmãs Glória Voltoline e Marinalva Silva 05:43 Play Video homenagem agradecida às azuis da cidade dos meninos por geraldo magalhães, mês vocacional agôsto 2020. Homenagem às Azuis da Cidade dos Meninos por ex-alunos homenagem agradecida às azuis por geraldo magalhães ex-interno da cidade dos meninos. ALBUM OF PHOTOS JUNHO 2020 video: amanhã na cidade acompanhe no interview com irmã julia Tambosi - geraldo magalhães - youtube Será impossível esquecer este lugar, que não está só na nossa memória, mas também em nosso coração. Infelizmente a obra pode ate fechar mas a nossa vida, a nossa infância foi marcada e as Irmãs Azuis... never deixaram de fazer parte da nossa vida. OBRIGADO Cidade dos Meninos, OBRIGADO irmãs Azuis! (Geraldo Magalhaes) escoteiros suiços na cidade dos meninos ver+ Photo album: trabalho missionário dos escoteiros em Valadares Irrigação na Fazenda da Cidade dos Meninos! O nosso obrigada aos escoteiros Suíços por esse trabalho voluntário, junto com todo o custo monetário! Doação complete! Missão cumprida! Que Deus lhes pague! (Maria da Penha Oliveira) Encontro Internacional: Tempo de formation das jovens irmãs da Congregação ​ Encontro internacional: Hoje visitamos a cidade de Castres. Celebração de abertura do nosso encontro. Encontro internacional: Bem-vindas à Casa Mãe. Encontro internacional: important moments for our conhecer melhor. Encontro Regional em Valadares - May 2018 Encontro Regional in Valadares Aconteceu nos dias 4 e 5 de maio, na Cidade dos Menos, em Governador Valadares, o Encontro Regional de Agroecologia com a presença de diversos movimentos e comunidades ligadas a luta pela vida no campo e pela defesa da agricultura familiar, guardando e plantando a semente crioula, denunciando o crime que ocorreu no Rio Doce pela Samarco, como um grito pela justiça.

  • Amazonia post synode | Immaculée Conception

    Missão azul no Amazonas Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie missão de ir. joaninha and team pos-sínodo Photo album: na Espanha Programa das teams na Espanha Hoje dia 4 de novembro de 2019 estamos aqui em Lobraño na Espanha, numa missão postsínodo. Encontros com jovens para uma palestra Vivência. Tivemos 2 grupos de alunos nessa manhã. Também um programa Radio. ​ As 19:00 um encontro público para all os que estão interessados. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (Irmã Joaninha Madeira) ​ Amigos/as Preparamos esta apresentação sobre o Sínodo para a Amazônia para ajudar nos muitos pedidos de partilha. Part 1: O índice do documentário - Linhas gerais Part 2: Photo album contextualizando vários ambientes e atores que compuseram a dinâmica sinodal. Se alguém desejar a versão em Pwerpoint para a possible tradução ou enriquecimentos pedir no e-mail indicado nos slides. Sintonia! _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5 cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (João Gutemberg e Joaninha) Clic Para baixar esse documento em pdf (Biblio online CIC) page web spéciale synode pour l'amazonie site notre dame de l'immaculée conception de castre s pos-sínodo: missão em pamplona espanha Dias 5 e 6 de novembro de 2019 Estamos aqui em PAMPLONA Missão com oa estudantes dos colégios Escolápios; e também com grupos de interculturas, com os Religiosos, ONGs e todos que desejam. ​ Almoco com os Irmãos e Leigos da Comunidade dos Escolapios _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (Irmã Joaninha Madeira) ​ Preparação ao Sinodo para a amazônia: official website A Igreja se prepara para o Sínodo PanAmazônia: click aqui para ler mais Preparemos o Sínodo para a PanAmazonia - Roma outubro 2019. assemblyia dos povos indigenas Photo album: Assembléia dos Povos indígenas do Mato Grosso Hoje dia 19 de outubro de 2019 início a assemblia dos povos indígenas de Mato Grosso. São 43 etnias e está acontecendo no portal do encantado, mas terras do povo chiquitano. (Irmã Edinéia) ​ Video: dances na assembly XXIII Assembleia Geral do CIMI – Conselho Indigenista Missionário. Nossas irmãs Joaninha e Edinéia da Provincia do Mato Grosso participam da XXIII Assembleia Geral do Cimi qui elege novo secretariado e divulga documento final com prioridades definidas e missionários e missionárias motivados. Presença dos Povos indígenas no CIMI: video “Nesses cinco dias de Assembleia fomos despertados pelo testemunho dos povos indígenas e motivados a partir das nossas lutas e sonhos” Na Amazonia: Irmã Joaninha CIMI: Conselho Indigenista Missionario. Organismo ligado a CNBB, Conferência dos Bispos do Brasil. Faith criado para a defesa dos povos indigenas e seus territórios. Esta Assembleia, a XXIII aconteceu no Centro de Fração Vicente Cañas em Luziânia, Goiais. O tema: Em defesa da Constituição, contra o roubo ea devastação de territórios indígenas. Lema: "Alto there!!! esta terra tem dono! Em tempos de cenário sombrio que ameça a vida dos "povos originários" o CIMI quer ser uma resposta esperançosa. Pedro Casaldaliga) Amazo_01 Convite da CLAR e REPAM para o Encontro em Tabatinga Encontro de Congregações Religiosas com Projectos em Perspective Panamazónica Com a prontidão de María, acolhemos o convite da CLAR ea REPAM, para participar do Encontro de Congregações Religiosas com Projetos em Perspectiva Pan-Amazônica, ondereflectionimos sobre “A missionariedade Pan-Amazônica na ótica da ecologia integral”. Somos noventa participants of trinta congregações, religiosas, religiosos, leigos, leigas e padres diocesanos dos países da Pan-Amazônia, em Tabatinga (Brasil), região transfronteiriça, from 20 to 24 de abril, 2018. Vida consagrada: Força da presença da Igreja na Amazônia". Com a Comunidade itinerante em missão. "As Irmãs irão lá onde a voz dos pobres está chamando". (Santa Emilie) Nós somos hoje aqueles que revelam o Amor de Deus para toda Pessoa. Padre, Religiosa, Leigo... vivendo seu Batismo com os que não tem ainda "nem voz e nem vez em nossa sociedade". Irmã Joaninha na missão itinerante nas fronteiras ... Demarcação Já! Saiba but... A Comunidade Azul do Amazonas em missão junto aos Ribeirinhos page web spéciale synode pour l'amazonie site notre dame de l'immaculée conception de castre s

  • In Portuguese | Immaculée Conception

    mission of the sisters of the immaculate conception - texts in portuguese Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie migrants na Amazonia: barreiras nas bordereiras com o perú Photos Conheça a história de pessoas que, 10 anos atrás, chegavam ao Brasil pela bordere do Acre com o Peru em busca de uma vida melhor, e que agora fazem o movimento inverso, deixando para trás um Brasil mergulhado numa grave social crisis. ​ O problema é que as fronteiras estão fechadas e es não conseguem seguir viagem. ​ Uma ponte passou a ser o endereço de muitos nos últimos dias. Sister Joaninha ​ Cuiabá: o colégio Notre Dame of Lourdes festeja seus 50 years of life! 11 de fevereiro de 1971 Irma Marluce Director Irmã Lurdes Corona faz memória da missão Azul em abdon batista. A comunidade de santa rosa (mt) solidária com os irmãos but necessitados. Em solidariedade aos que sofrem pelas consequências do covid Celebração paroquial em valadares: envio de alice helena Testemunhos de vida de nossas irmãs... presença do carisma de Santa Emilie gotta vizinhos: com os mais pobres em petrolina: natal solidário com os mais pobres radio católica de osasco com irmã Maria veronese vida missionária azul in nordestina - bahia CARISMA AZUL! UM JEITO OF SER FELIZ... Deus de minha vida NOVA MISSÃO PARA AS IRMÃS EM VALADARES LIVE AZUL II "O SENTIR EO PULSAR" COLEGIO EMILIE DE VILLENEUVE - SÃO PAULO Em Haiti, com Santa Emilie um poço para os mais pobres LIVE IRMA IZABETE DAL FARRA 28/10/2020_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Live: Ensino Médio: Mitos e Verdades. O ensino médio inovado no Emilie. Facebook of the Diocese of Caçador SC. Participação da Irmã Izabete da comunidade de Cariacica ES. AT Mãe Aparecida: Ir. Janete Silva ( official clip) Acompanhe no Facebook of the diocese of Caçador SC. Participação da Irmã Izabete da comunidade de Cariacica ES. festa de santa emilie - 5 years of sua canonização "Tenham uma santa predileção para os pobres, os pequenos, os fracos e os aflitos". (Emilie D.1852-103) lives! drive-thru! 2 e 3 de outubro: acompanhe click link click link 3:30 p.m. (click no livro para consultar or baixar) click link acompanhe todas as lives of congregação despedida de irmã Julia: Cidade dos Meninos Triduo com os jovens de valadares live: ser azul um jeito de ser feliz link da live: youtube live 31 de agosto de 2020 at 10:00 - brasília_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf580_ time - 15:00 leitura orante com os pais - cuiabá com o papa francisco: angelus do 08/16/2020 Fomos chegando na Praça São Pedro de all cantos da Cidade Eterna e arredores. De longe já dava para sensa a sinergia criada pela alegría de reunir-nos depois de tantos tempo que não nos víamos. Com os devidos cuidados pela siruação da pandemia, as expressões bem brasileiras de "como vai?", "que bom te ver!!!", faith fazendo desde momento, um momento sagrado, culminado con o canto "tudo está interligado, como se fôssemos um...". E, é claro, não podía faltar "Santa Mãe María, nesta travesía, cubra-nos teu manto cor de anil". Quando a Papa Francisco apareceu na janela a manifestação de nosso grupo foi singular. Estávamos ali de corpo e alma, unidas e em comunhão com toda a VR que começa hoje a Semana da Vida Consagrada no Brasil. O Papa também se uniu à nossa oração. Voltamos para nossas casas fortalecidas e fortalecidos por viver este momento de grupo, que nos anima, junto com a VR do Brasil, desde a experiencia de "amados e chamados por Deus, a ter a coragem de levar adiante nossa missão profética juntos e juntas, em fraternal sororidade, na cumplicidade do Reino, nossa utopia! (Irene Tessarollo - Roma) ​ com nossas irmãs irmã ana célia de oliveira - a vida religiosa agosto: mes vocacional. toda vocação vem de Deus com irmã janete agosto: mes vocacional. com irmã lurdes corona: "amados, chamados por deus" New mission for the Sisters of the Cidade dos Meninos em Valadares Em Haïti, com Santa Emilie um_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_poço para bones but poor Amigos, o dia 3 de outubro foi um dia de muita alegria para a comunidade do Haiti, pois tivemos a graça de celebrar com as crianças do Coral Emilie e de compartilhar com o povo a água do nosso poço .Durante o tempo mais intenso da pandemia sentimos que Deus nos pedia de fazer algo mais concretamente para ajudar o povo, pois vemos cotidianamente a sua luta para conseguir água. Diante disso, refleximos e tomamos a decisão de furar um poço no Centro. No começo pensamos que iria demorar muito e não tínhamos certeza se conseguiríamos encontrar água no terreno, mas lembramos que Emilie sempre nos animou a ter confiança inabalável em Deus e_cc781905-5cde_cfdix-3bbadá18-cf58-deus-3b194 lo act. Confiamos na sua providência e no dia que comemoramos a sanidade de Emilie, tivemos muita energia o que tem pouco no Haiti, água para encher as caixas e compartilhar com all as famílias. E very dias por semana continuaremos a dar água a população e fazer o atendimento no dispensário. AFRICA Cultural tradições e religiosas africanas como uma forma de vida e de pensamento In French, in Portuguese at the time of pandemic... at the time of pandemic... As Irmãs Azuis e os Leigos Missionários de Petrolina-PE estão com uma ação solidária, fornecendo cestas básicas, kits de material de limpeza e higiene, máscaras_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_para families carentes do Bairro Jardim Petrópolis. Uma foto de Santa Emilia acompanha com orações para o fim da pandemia. Alegria imensa dos que recebem esses dons de primeira necessidade. ​ live com as irmãs da congregação cultural tradições e religiosas africanas como uma forma de vida e de Pensamento vai passar - nova música de Ir. janete da silva da congregação de nossa sra. da imacualada Conceição de castres - azuis adia ENEM mensagem dos alunos da 3a. série do colégio notre dame de lourdes em cuiaba mt _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_18 May 2020 Documento pos videoconference in pdf. ​ os alunos da 3a. series of the Notre Dame de Lourdes colégio em cuiaba se mobilizam em prol do adiamento do enem. ​ ​ santa Emilie: "irão onde a voz do pobre as chamar" "Tive fome e deste me de comer", says Jesus. E Santa Emilie: "Irão onde a voz do pobre as chamar". Assim a Província de São Paulo partilha com os que têm fome, participando com esse gesto no isolamento.Desta vez foi na Favela Coreia; at 1a. vez faith para os catadores de material reciclável da rua das Amerexeiras. (Irmã Maria da Penha Oliveira)

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