congregation: audio messages - music - songs
méditation " réjouis-toi, comblée de grâces
Méditation matinale du 27 mai 2024 - Anne Béatrice FAYE CIC
Saint Emilie of Villeneuve:
she tells us again
Sung at the Beatification of Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve in Castres
a gospel wide open
Sung at the Beatification of Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve in Castres
happy are you
Sung at the Beatification of Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve in Castres
hymn of thanksgiving
Sung at the Beatification of Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve in Castres
you angels of the lord
Sung at the Beatification of Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve in Castres
reflection: quem somos para compreender
Thursday, July 28, 2022
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
reflection: prepare os caminhos...
Thursday, June 23, 2022
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
reflection: witnesses of the spirit.
Thursday, June 09, 2022
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
reflection: come spirit of god
Thursday, May 26, 2022
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
reflection: the joy that jesus gives
Thursday, May 19, 2022 - John (15, 9-11)
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
reflection: the father and us.
Thursday, May 12, 2022 - John (13, 16-20)
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
meditation: advent luke (7,24-30)
December 16, 2021
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
Meditation of the Gospel of December 16, 2021 - Luke (7,24-30) by sister Luzia Bongiovani CIC. Theme: John the Baptist!
meditation: no. lady of the rosary
October 07, 2021
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
Meditation of the Gospel of October 7, 2021 - Luke (1,26-38) by sister Luzia Bongiovani CIC. Theme: Rejoice, Mary!
gospel meditation:
September 23, 2021
sister luzia - valadares MG - br
Meditation of the Gospel of September 23, 2021 - Luke (9,7-9) by sister Luzia Bongiovani CIC. Theme: Seeing Jesus.
gospel meditation:
September 16, 2021
sister luzia gover. valadares MG - br
Meditation of the Gospel of September 16, 2021 - Luke (7,36-50) by sister Luzia Bongiovani CIC. A Pharisee had invited Jesus ... a woman from the city came ...
Adriana - Lemee
barra of sao francisco
Message from Adriana from the Friends of Emilie LEMEE from Barra de São Francisco Brazil after the death of two Members of the Altamira group, her sister and the coordinator of the group Márcio de Andrade. April 18, 2021
our lady choir
uirapuru - junior cnd são paulo
meditation relax prayer
p. pius video: julita balarini
In Portuguese -Youtube: Luz para mais vida (Light for more life)
party: emilie de villeneuve
novena for his birthday
From March 1 to 9 with the Rede Azul de Educação
Prayers for a better world. On the first day, our prayers will be for health and the end of covid-19.
Lent! way of life!
paz e música janete da silva :
Lent! a way of life and prayer!
Every path of conversion has its secrets. You can discover some of them by following, here, every Wednesday, a meditation for the period of Lent.