Mission of the Congregation - 2018
From left to right :
Lucia Alegre Gil, Virginia de Matos Oliveira,
Maria de Jesus Miguel, Nuria Bayó,
Michèle Cancalon - Provincial,
Marie Philomene Diouf.
From left to right :
Nina Nzondo Nzenguet,
Louise Sadio NDENE, Provincial
Julie Clemence Kenguele,
Therese Ntumba Kelekele.
From left to right thesisters :
Rosette Kiki,
Pierrette Marie Bossou, Provincial,
Euphrasia Kokoun.
From left to right :
Marie Yvonne Mbengue,
Madeleine Odile Dioh
Marie Rose Dione, Provincial,
Gilles Aimee Ciss.
Blue Sisters in Haiti - 7 years of mission
September 1 marks the arrival of the Blue Nuns in Haiti, shortly after the earthquake that killed more than 200,000 people. In this country, the poorest in South America, the sisters are close to the people and seek to develop projects autonomy and dignity of the people who live and struggle in this country.
7 years of mission at the service of life!
Diocese of São Mateus - ES 2/9/2018
Carta aberta da Comissão Regional de Presbíteros Leste II Diocese of São Mateus -ES, em apoio ao Papa Francisco.
Saint Barthélemy in Gorbio 26/8/2018
Article Archconfraternity of GORBIO / LABARUM 2014
Patronal feast of Saint Barthélémy in Gorbio
This summer event, which takes place every year during the 3rd or 4th Sunday of August, celebrates its patron saint, one of the twelve apostles who spread the good news of Christ in Arabia, Mesopotamia_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and as far as India. He was martyred by being flayed alive (according to tradition).
A blessing of the animals at the level of the tercentenary abalone in the village square, precedes the religious service in the Saint Barthélémy church. St Francis of Assisi thus reminds us of the beauty and respect for the creation.
The offering of the Golden Apple which takes place during the Offertory of the Mass is the highlight of the religious tradition of this patronal feast. The inhabitants and in particular the young people proudly carry a golden apple at the end of a sword and bow before the monstrance presented by the celebrant_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_; the last character hands the golden apple to the priest, raises the sword in the air before throwing it sideways to a companion and bowing. This tradition goes back to medieval times when the noble knights brought their offerings to the ecclesiastical authority. This ceremony has retained a religious character symbolizing the struggle between good and evil.
After the service, a votive procession with the statuary representation of the saint, continues in the alleys of the village, with its tête the Great Cross of the Brotherhood of Penitents.
This popular festival which begins the day before with aubades, then Sunday with a popular fervor, the feast of a feast and the evening ball, shows the social implications of this heritage. A current trend would be to make a dichotomy between religion and any secular activity. As part of any patronal celebration, this often insidious ideology would result in losing the origin and meaning of this event, creating popular disunity and forgetting the heritage of our old.
Paul GILLET Prieur
Parish of Our Lady of Encounter - Menton
Gorbio, a Medieval Village 8 km from Menton, is celebrating its Patron Saint Barthélemy on September 26.
- Animal Blessing
- Eucharistic celebration with the offering of the golden apple at the offertory.
-Procession in the Village with the statue of the Patron Saint at the end of the Mass.
Musical participation: on the organ Sister Julita
And the Harmony of the Fanfare of Vilefranche/Mer.
Do dia 26 a 28 de julho de 2018
Retreat and Provincial Assembly at the Mother House from July 12 to 22, 2018
Presentation by M. Sabine during the General Chapter
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hna. Elisa Norma Gimenez
From left to right :
- Marie Béatrice (Senegalese)
- Irma (Paraguayan)
- Justi - General (Spanish)
- Rosângela Maria (Brazilian)