E v e n t s ...
Rencontre community animators: living joy in community
Live the JOY in community and until the end! This is the theme that brought us together at the Mother House on July 28 and 29, 2021.
Even before these days began, we were filled with joy just to find ourselves after these two years of separation imposed by health measures. Two days animated by a young woman, who helped us to look at the different ingredients so that community joy could grow.
Time of prayer, time of personal reflection and pooling set us on the road in the face of a double question:
What are our nuggets, that is to say what generates joy, pleasure?
What are our pebbles that generate discomfort, difficulty?
Two witnesses, a beneficiary and the secretary general of the Colocation Lazare shared with us by videoconference their experience of life at the roommate with its joys, its requirements, its landmarks and its principles:
A fun evening of cutting, coloring and gluing gave free rein to everyone's imagination and creativity to express a conception of joy!
The meaning of the work from doing to being was the subject of intense sharing with reference to excerpts from the book “A life to bring oneself into the world” by Marie de Hennezel.
…in life there is what we do and there is what we are!
"Mission and charism of Saint Emilie de Villeneuve in the context of a pandemic ”.
moments of joy, of celebration!
Saint Emilie de Villeneuve
the October 3 2021

Live du 2 octobre avec les frères maristes, Brésil

Province de São Paulo

Bonne Fête de la Province d'Europe

Live du 2 octobre avec les frères maristes, Brésil
Dear blue family
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In the joy of the celebration of the feast of our holy foundress, we come to share with the whole blue family, the event on the “mission and charism of Saint Emilie de Villeneuve in the context of a pandemic”.
This will be through the “connecting networks” program of the FTD Publisher of the Marist Brothers: They offered this media space to Marcia EDVIRGES. Since we are in times of pandemic, the objective of their program is to invite Congregations whose founders lived this experience in their time.
With the approval of the provincial teams of Mato Grosso and São Paulo, Marcia and Janete Maria joined them in organizing a live from their platform.
However, this show is different from the lives we have already organized. The Marists have their own format to which we must adjust if we want to take advantage of this space to talk about Saint Emilia and make our charism known. Many other Congregations have already successfully participated in this program.
Angelina Bridi and Janete Maria da Silva, will intervene at this live with other guests. Although being transmitted in Portuguese, we want to share this joy with all our blue family, because we believe that it will be a special moment. For those who can, we send you here some indications to register
Date: 02/10/202 - Timetable: 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. – Brasília time – 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Rome
Follow the steps below:
Link for registration: https://ftd.com.br/conectando-redes (copy and paste to browser)
1° Click on CADASTRAR
2° Enter the full NAME
3° Enter the name of the Congregation – in the field: Rede/Congregação, insert: REDE AZUL
4° Enter the PERSONAL E-MAIL
5° Institution – Optional (free)
6° Cargo (load) – Optional (free)
7º Click on Informamos que seus dados...
We look forward to everyone who can take part in this event. May Saint Emilie and her charism/spirituality be known for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Our prayer and our fraternal kiss.
Your sisters from the General Animation Team.
"Eucharistic celebration and blessing of the altarpiece of Sainte Emilie."
moment of joy to our lady of la platé
this August 15, 2021

Célébration Eucharistique à l'occasion de la Fête du 15 août à ND de la Platé où Emilie et ses 2 compagnes ont prononcé leurs Voeux religieux en 1836

Devant le retable de Sainte Emilie

L'orgue sonne nous annonçant la réouverture après 27 ans en silence.

Célébration Eucharistique à l'occasion de la Fête du 15 août à ND de la Platé où Emilie et ses 2 compagnes ont prononcé leurs Voeux religieux en 1836

How joyful was Eve when you ascended,
Higher than all the angels, higher than the clouds.
And what is our joy, sweet Virgin Mary
To contemplate in You the promise of life. (Song: Crowned with stars)
What is our joy?
It is part of our Congregational history! This August 15, the church of Notre Dame de la Platé, closed for 27 years, is exceptionally open to the public, for the time of a solemn mass. A little before 11 a.m. the bells ring out in the neighborhood, probably like December 8, 1836? They invite us to come together. The church quickly filled up. Places are reserved for city officials and blue sisters! Monsignor Jean Legrez presides over the celebration.
During his homily he specifies that the church of La Platé is the only Marian place in Castres and as soon as it is officially open, he wishes that people come there to invoke Mary. Hence the choice of the feast of the Assumption to mark on the one hand the inauguration of the building and on the other hand to inaugurate the altarpiece of Saint Jeanne Emilie. The Sisters present are invited to come face to face with the altarpiece with the Bishop and the priests to participate closely in the discovery of the work and its blessing. After much applause, the square of the church once again becomes the meeting place; the joy of reunion mixes with the resounding bells.
Sister Marie Sabine Fauquenois
"Around the fire, we learn to become brothers and sisters"
Echoes of the Council of the Congregation
June 10-12, 2021

Une des salles!

Participantes : 140 Sales

Supérieure générale de la Congrégation Immaculée Conception de Castres

Une des salles!

Echoes of the Council of Congregation - June 10-12, 2021 by the communication team
"Around the fire we learn to be brothers and sisters."
Unheard of for us: an online Council of Congregation! What changes this pandemic period has imposed on us! What creativity! It was scheduled for this meeting to be held in Barcelona in 2020, but with the pandemic crisis that has ravaged the world, we had to wait for another opportunity. It didn't go as planned in attendance, but now a bit more accustomed to the technological resources of video conferencing, it was possible to bring the charismatic family together.eblue through the Zoom platform, with the transmission structure provided by the UISG - International Union of Superiors General - and the technical support of Anna and Francesco.
Objective: 🞂Offer a training space on accompaniment and protection in the Church and in the Congregation.
🞂By presenting the context, key concepts, tools and best practices.
🞂Advancing in a greater understanding of what it means to develop the culture of care and protection in the Congregation, taking into account the reality of each place.
Plan :
The foundation of the culture of care and protection.
The Structural Need to Address It : Church and Congregational Records.
Key concepts: sexual abuse, abuse of power, abuse of conscience. Spiritual abuse, minor, vulnerable person, informed consent.
From the Congregation: Prevent, protect, repair and accompany at all times.
◦Identification of needs: risk map
◦Awareness: training and information
◦Organization: declaration of principles and action protocols. Communication
◦Support in situations of vulnerability.
A few steps that are taken: the path is made by walking.
Meeting with the sisters of Massac (the daughters of Jesus) at home
This May 24, 2021, Whit Monday, thesisters du Couvent Bleu go to thesisters de Massac (the Daughters of Jesus) for a fraternal meeting. Les sisters Marie Sabine and Eliane-Claire presented the Congregation to the entire Community. With Michelle and Jean Marie we had the joy of living this moment. A long-awaited meeting. Our exchanges gave us a glimpse of a happy outcome. All underlined points of convergence around our spirituality centered on the mystery of the incarnation. Orientation towards the poorest. God Alone...many questions…. It is with this song composed for the 6th anniversary of the canonization that the presentation ended. O JOAN EMILIE WHAT JOY, ALLELUIA. (Regina tune…par Eliane-Claire). A refreshment crowned this meeting. In short, thesisters remain grateful to us. One of the nuns is the niece of oursister Marie Elisabeth, former missionary in Gabon. It is with joy that she announces it….
Jubilee of Religious Profession of our Sisters - 2021

Parabéns às jubilares de vida religiosa na Congregação.

Cuiabá: Our Lady of Lourdes celebrates her 50th anniversary - 11 February 1971
11 February: Opening of the celebration
Congratulations for the unique social extension that welcomes, embraces, teaches and offers the best conditions through education to the children of the most needy neighbourhoods of Cuiabá. COLÉGIO NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES: "*How can we not be strong and protected if people in need are not given priority in our institutions?