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  • Life and Mission of the Sisters | Immaculée Conception

    vie et mission des sœurs Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube Sister Marinez Bareta left us this May 11, 2024 testimonies received at the time of the death of Sister Marinez Bareta May 11, 2024 See more Marinez et les amis au Brésil Marinez au Conseil de Congrégation au Mato Grosso Hommage à Marinez Province du Brésil Marinez et les amis au Brésil 1/8 Dear sisters, members of this beautiful family that we represent all over the world, We once again had a powerful experience which proves, if proof were needed, that we are one big family. These three days of communion in prayer and affection to accompany our dear Marinez in her Meeting with her Beloved and to support our sisters of the Philippine Delegation are quite simply a miracle, perhaps not the one we asked for , but the one that God accomplished before our eyes. So thank you to the Lord who never does anything wrong. Thank you to each of you for this fraternal enthusiasm that comes from the heart. Thank you for your prayers, your closeness and your solidarity, which are a source of consolation for everyone and especially for our sisters in the Philippines. Marinez's beautiful smile, his kindness, his joy of life, his passion for the mission, his love for the congregation float over us and radiate in our hearts. Marinez, thank you for the exceptional member that you have been for our family, for your family and for all the people that the Lord has put on your path during your pilgrimage on this earth which has just ended. You will continue to love us and accompany us with Jesus the Savior, Saint Emilie and the whole blue family of Heaven. ​ To you, dear sisters of the Philippine Delegation, surprised by this visit of God in your midst, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your mobilization, for your presence near Marinez despite the risks involved. You show us that it is possible, as Émilie said, to give your life until death if necessary. Thank you for being there, not far from her, until the end, to accompany her on her journey, like Mary at the foot of the cross of Jesus. Thank you for collecting his last words for us, thank you for the tribute you are paying him at this time with the sober and moving reception of his ashes and the deep and well-prepared funeral. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you! !! Rest assured that we will not leave you alone to face the consequences of this unexpected departure. With Emilie, be strong in the strength of Jesus Crucified. Farewell Marinez, we pray for you, but above all pray for us! (Sister Marie Béatrice - general) ​ ​ See photos and videos "She spent her last days in the place where she longed to be. She dreamed of the mission to the Philippines and once told me that she had waited 25 years to realize that wish. She felt there very well received One day she told me about the many challenges she had to overcome and the fact that at first she did not know how to speak the language. used everything she could to communicate - faces and mouths - and she also told me that people were very affectionate towards her. I'm sitting here, between tears and laughter, watching a movie of memories play out in my head." Message from Father José Navarro, a Jesuit from the Dominican Republic who knew her within the framework of Children's Pastoral Care. messe pour marinez aux Philippines Marinez à Castres Marinez et sa joie contagiante messe pour marinez aux Philippines 1/5 Sœur Joaninha vit ce moment douloureux avec les Migrants en Amazonie Irm%C3%A3%20Joaninha%20CIC_edited Soeur Joaninha avec les migrants à la frontière du Perou Joaninha Honório Madeira, missionária da Rede Itknersnte da Repam (Foto: Alexandre Cruz Noronha/Amazônia Real) 09 pont joaninha Sem perspectivas de emprego, imigrantes iniciam movimento de retorno e enfrentam dificuldades na fronteira com o Peru. A imagem acima é de autoria de Alexandre Cruz Noronha/Amazônia Real. policia amazonas Difficultés rencontrées pendant 27 jours. Irm%C3%A3%20Joaninha%20CIC_edited Soeur Joaninha avec les migrants à la frontière du Perou Joaninha Honório Madeira, missionária da Rede Itknersnte da Repam (Foto: Alexandre Cruz Noronha/Amazônia Real) 1/9 "Ce que nous vivons ici, vraiment, est une chose cruelle. Cela atteint le cœur de l'humanité. Les gens sont traités comme des objets, comme des déchets, et ici, au Pérou, c'est la première fois que nous le voyons. C'est vraiment une chose cruelle. L'expression vient de la missionnaire Joaninha Honório Madeira, de l'ordre de l'Immaculée Conception. Connue sous le nom de Sœur Joaninha, elle fait partie du réseau ecclésial panamazonien, dont le travail consiste à offrir une assistance sociale et religieuse aux résidents des communautés urbaines, riveraines et indigènes de la triple frontière. Aux côtés d'autres dirigeants catholiques, elle s'est trouvée en première ligne face aux boucliers et aux bombes lancés par la police péruvienne. "La police a été extrêmement violente. Avant, nous avions seulement entendu dire qu'ellel était violente, mais hier (16 février), nous l'avons vu. On a failli être battus aussi. Le premier groupe [d'immigrants qui ont franchi le blocus] a été traité très violemment. Trois femmes enceintes se sont retrouvées au centre de santé", dit-elle. Pour la missionnaire catholique, les immigrants haïtiens et africains souffrent également du racisme. Selon Sœur Joaninha, les immigrants de pays comme le Venezuela, la Colombie et Cuba parviennent à passer d'un côté de la frontière à l'autre. "Nous sommes témoins de racisme ici à la frontière. Des personnes de différents pays y passent. Venezuela, Cuba, Brésil. Chili, Argentine. Tout le monde passe. Maintenant, quand il s'agit d'un Haïtien ou d'un Africain, la situation est différente et ils finissent par tomber entre les mains d'exploiteurs", rapporte-t-elle. La missionnaire rappelle que les personnes de toute autre nationalité paient 5 reais ou soles (monnaie péruvienne) pour traverser la rivière Acre. En revanche, les Haïtiens et les Africains doivent payer 50 dollars, plus 200 dollars pour se rendre à Puerto Maldonado. Pour un trajet moyen, les camionnettes reliant Iñapari à la capitale de Madre de Dios coûtent 40 soles - l'équivalent de 15 dollars. Du côté brésilien, les immigrants sont également victimes d'extorsion de la part des chauffeurs de taxi. Pour le court trajet entre l'entrée d'Assis Brasil et le pont binational, on peut payer jusqu'à 100 réals pour un trajet de moins de huit kilomètres. "Il s'agit d'une exploitation. La frontière est devenue un moyen de tirer profit de la souffrance humaine. Nous cherchons où nous pouvons dénoncer cela. Avec la fermeture de la frontière, le fleuve est devenu la solution pour traverser. Les Haïtiens sont exploités à cause de la couleur de leur peau. Nous le voyons de nos propres yeux", déclare la missionnaire Joaninha. ​ (Article Amazonia Real ) ​ témoignage de soeur joaninha honório Madeira, missionnaire du réseau itinérant de la Repam en amazonie février - mars 2021 Voir plus Voir d'autres photos Le reportage d'Amazônia Real suivait le drame des immigrants qui tentaient de quitter le Brésil. ​ "J'ai beaucoup appris pendant ces 23 jours de présence gratuite auprès de mes frères et sœurs, Africains, Haïtiens, Congolais, de la Côte d'Ivoire, du Bangladesh, du Pakistan, de l'Inde... Merci de me permettre de vivre l'Évangile de l'accueil : "J'étais un étranger et vous m'avez accueilli dans votre ville. Joaninha Honório Madeira cic Equipe missionnaire Itinérante de l'Amazonie. Dans la joie pascale, je chante avec vous un vibrant Alléluia! Sr Sidonie 04 Avec la Vie consacrée en Afrique sidonie01b Oeuvrant pour la Paix sidonie 02 Vie difficile des migrants à la frontière du Peru Sr Sidonie 04 Avec la Vie consacrée en Afrique 1/3 Bien Chères Sœurs et Famille charismatique, Il y a un an de cela, vous avez accueilli comme corps, avec joie, confiance et foi, le choix du Pape François sur ma personne par la nomination de Consulteur à la CIVCSVA. Un an plus tard, je voudrais vous dire un merci sincère pour votre soutien, votre accompagnement et votre solidarité. Au début, j’étais perturbée et me demandais si cela était vrai mais, les mois qui ont suivi, je n’avais plus besoin de me poser des questions. ​ Je remercie la Congrégation qui m’a permis d’avoir des sœurs collaboratrices dans divers continents. Régulièrement, elles portent cette mission dans la prière. Certaines me donnent des nouvelles sur la vie consacrée dans leur région. Ajoutées à d’autres collaborateurs, elles m’aident à avoir des horizons plus larges et à m’ouvrir à l’universel. Merci à Cecilia Bentacourt, à Marluce, à Elvia, à Laure Deymier, à Carme Boxadera et à Anne Béatrice Faye. La Congrégation m’a aussi permis de faire un bain linguistique pour apprendre l’italien. Je renforce aussi l’anglais et l’espagnol. ​ Les rencontres faites au niveau de la CIVCSVA et la grande réunion de consulteurs qu’on a eu m’ont encouragée et apaisée. Je me suis sentie fille de l’Eglise, accueillie et écoutée. La charge n’est pas aussi pesante dans la mesure où c’est de temps en temps et chaque consulteur peut continuer la mission qui lui est confiée dans son institut ou dans l’Eglise sans surcharge. Les profils des consulteurs sont variés : des évêques, quelques laïcs, des consacrés ayant des expériences et compétences diverses, des professionnels, des supérieurs généraux, une moniale… Comme théologienne, la nomination m’a fait davantage connaître aussi, je réponds aux diverses demandes intercontinentales selon ma disponibilité. Finalement, quelle belle expérience d’Eglise ! J’anime de temps en temps des conférences, des réunions, j’accompagne des équipes d’animations, des chapitres, des personnes aussi… finalement, je reçois plus que je ne donne. Ces rencontres virtuelles ou en présentiel sont extrêmement riches et formatrices et me donnent l’opportunité de vivre au vif le Quatrième Vœu dans la rencontre avec les personnes concrètes ou les divers groupes. Mais au quotidien, c’est grâce à la communauté formatrice formidable avec laquelle je vis que la mission confiée acquiert une impulsion nouvelle. Nous sommes deux sœurs, Sœur Irène Ekye Kaka et moi, deux postulantes et deux aspirantes. La joie et la paix, l’investissement dans la croissance des jeunes est pour moi un service concret de la vie religieuse CIC, ainsi que la disponibilité pour le service de la formation dans la Province, la REPA et l’Eglise. A côté de cette belle communauté que nous formons, nous avons en charge la communauté éducative du Complexe Scolaire Mère Jean Gabriel qui compte 1434 jeunes et 125 employés. Une belle synergie où des laïcs et cinq instituts de vie consacrée interagissent au service de l’éducation des enfants et des jeunes, selon le charisme de Sainte Emilie. Animer, accompagner, former et superviser en cheminant ensemble, telle est notre vision inspirée du Projet Educatif de la Congrégation (PEC) et de la pratique d’Emilie. Comme Marie Madeleine bouleversée par l’appel du Ressuscité, je me sens appelée par mon nom et, le Ressuscité, à chaque eucharistie vient de manière particulière me renouveler son amour et sa confiance. Aussi, je me sens missionnaire de la résurrection, petite servante fragile, bien – aimée de Dieu et inondée de sa miséricorde. Dieu nous comble Alléluia !, que son nom soit béni, que vous soyez vous aussi bénis pour ce que vous êtes et que vous faîtes pour l’avancée du Règne de Dieu et pour l’Eglise en marche synodale. Sainte Emilie veille sur nous avec une sollicitude maternelle incroyable! Priez encore pour moi, moi aussi, je vous porte dans mon cœur et ma prière. Encore, Joyeuses Pâques ! Fraternellement, Marie Sidonie, cic témoignage de soeur Sidonie oyembo un an après avoir reçu sa mission au vatican avril 2022 Voir plus Sœur Marie Sidonie OYEMBO, cic, Consulteur à la CIVCSVA,B.P. 340, Tél /WhatsApp: +24177510144/ mail . Libreville – GABON. Marie Sidonie OYEMBO roma 03 Describe your image roma 02 Describe your image image 10 Describe your image roma 03 Describe your image 1/12 Sr Marie Sidonie appointed by Pope Francis The Congregation is happy to learn this February 19 of the appointment of Sr. Marie Sidonie Oyembo as "Consultant for the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life", by Pope Francis. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. See letter from the General Team In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Decree of Pope Francis on February 19, 2020 What does the mission of consultor to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life consist of? The Second Vatican Council promoted in the Church the vision of a Church, people of God, a Church “mystery of communion”, in which all the baptized participate according to their specific duties in the unique mission of Christ. ​ The Council thus made it possible to develop the putting into practice of two fundamental ecclesiological principles: synodality and co-responsibility. ​ By Synodality, we mean the communion of faith and of the faithful. The word "synod" means, "to walk together" - Laity, Pastors, Bishop of Rome - because Saint John Chrysostom already said, "Church, means synod".[1] A synodal Church lives by listening together to the Spirit, in order to know, understand and realize what God wants for the Church and for the world today. Co-responsibility is thus a concrete consequence of synodality. ​ The mission of consultor is understood from the vision and the concrete experience of the Church communion, people of God. Also, the Holy See entrusts each Dicastery with a share of the responsibility for the unique mission of Christ. To be a consultant to the CIVCSVA means to share in a particular capacity the unique mission entrusted to him by the Holy See, at the service of the Church and of humanity, with Institutes of consecrated life, Secular Institutes, Societies of Apostolic Life, individual forms of consecration to God (consecrated Virgin, hermit, widows), Associations of lay faithful with a view to being erected into an Institute of Consecrated Life, other forms of associations, unions of Institutes, Conferences, Confederations relating to the various forms of consecrated life. To be a consultant, the Holy Father, after having collected the necessary information and proceeded to a very serious discernment, appoints the chosen Christian who can be lay, religious, cleric[2] and publication is made by the Secretary of State. A consultant has a preparation, experience and expertise required in the field entrusted to him. He will be called upon to contribute to important issues relating to the mission of the Dicastery. ​ We thank the Holy See for the trust placed in our poor person and in our Congregation. We implore from all consecrated persons the abundance of the Holy Spirit, so that together and in the Church, we may persevere in the living of a consecrated life as disciples, humble servants and servants, who welcome day after day the grace of God's faithfulness. ​ Sr Marie Sidonie OYEMBO, cic [1] [1]On October 17, 2015, Francis gave a speech for the closing of the commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the institution of the synod of bishops, in front of all the participants of the Synod for the family, Saint John Chrysostom, Explicatio in ps 149: PG 55, 493. [2] Some are major superiors of Institutes, others are bishops, theologians... Brief Biographical Presentation of Sister Marie Sidonie OYEMBO Origin and formation ​ Oyembo Sidonie was born on May 5, 1968 in Port-Gentil (Gabon), to Samuel OYEMBO and Jeanne Nicole NGUELE. She is the third child in a family of five. Baptized at Saint – Dominique de Moanda in Haut – Ogooué, she will receive first communion at the Parish of Saint – Paul des Bois in Port – Gentil and Confirmation at the Parish of Saint – Louis in Port – Gentil. ​ She did her primary studies in the Catholic schools Saint - Paul and Sainte Thérèse of Port - Gentil, then, her secondary studies at the Lycée Raponda Walker College in Port - Gentil and at the Immaculate Conception Institution in Libreville. ​ She did her Higher and University studies at the Catholic Faculties of Kinshasa where she obtained the Graduat in Philosophy (2015) and began her theology studies there, at the University of Burgundy in France where she graduated with a Master's degree in Social Sciences and Education (2009), then at the University AS Thomas d'Aquin in Urbe - DOMUNI a Master in Theology (2018). She is currently preparing her doctoral thesis in theology on the Eucharist. In addition to academic training, she has benefited from various training courses for human and spiritual accompaniment at IFHIM in Canada (Summer Sessions 2004) at Mater Christi in Burkina Faso (2006), in the DRC and in Gabon. She is a member of CAPACITAR INTERNATIONAL. Religious life and mission ​ Sidonie returned to the postulancy of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres at the Mother House on September 4, 1988. When she entered the novitiate, she took the name of Sister Marie Sidonie. After two years of novitiate in the same place, she made her profession on August 11, 1991. She made her perpetual vows on September 8, 1996 in Port-Gentil (Gabon). ​ She assumed the following missions: Parish Pastoral (catechesis, youth, liturgy, CEVB, Justice and Peace), Social Pastoral (Women), ad extra mission in the DRC, School Pastoral (Philosophy teacher, of Religion and School Administration, Educational Advisor, Director, Head of High School, Founder of the National Center for Religious Animation which has become National Chaplaincy for Catholic Education), Training (Professor of Theology at the Major Seminary, Trainer in religious life, conferences, seminars, theology courses, sessions and retreats), Animation of consecrated life (members of several commissions in her congregation (spirituality, constitutions, formation), responsible for the local community, Provincial Superior, President of the Conference of Major Superiors of Gabon ( COSMAG), President of the Confederation of Conferences of Major Superiors of Africa and Madagascar (COSMAM), Coordinator of the Vi Committee e Consecrated (COSMAG – CEG). Sister Marie Sidonie is the author of several books and articles on history, religious life, education… ​ Today, it is still given in education, formation and accompaniment of consecrated life. She has just been appointed by Pope Francis, consultor to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, on January 19, 2021. Sidonie

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    missionary life of the blue family blue in the world! Opening of the 10th Anniversary of the Canonization of our Beloved Foundress Saint Jeanne Émilie de Villeneuve. May 17, 2015 - May 17, 2025 Sister Marinez Bareta, missionary in the Philippines, left us this May 11, 2024 in her 56th year of life and 34 years of religious life. Let us accompany her and her family with our prayers. The Congregation, the Province of Brazil and the Blue Delegation of the Philippines are sad to announce the death of Sister Marinez Bareta, a Brazilian on mission in the Philippines, on 11 May 2024, due to a generalised infection. Sister Marinez will be remembered for her joy, her dynamism, her determination and her readiness for the mission. In Brazil, she dedicated many years of her consecrated life to the service of vocations, in socio-educational service and in advising groups of Blue Lay Missionaries. Currently in the Philippines, where she had been for nine years, she lived her mission in Children's Pastoral Care and Prison Pastoral Care, in alternative Solidarity Economy projects, as well as accompanying the CIC Young Professed Sisters. We thank God for her gift of life and ask him to receive her into his glory to make up the Blue Family that is already celebrating its final Easter in heaven. ​ We count on everyone's prayers for her family here in Brazil. News from the Blue Family Choose the image. click! Human, biblical, spiritual formation Cliquer sur l'image > sur le lien > Community Journals... Congregational Books... Historical calendar of the Congregation ( sister Françoise Pernot) Support Blue missionary life through Facebook Sœurs Bleues Hnas azules Congrégation Colégio N.D. de Lourdes Cuiabá Ir. Janete Silva CIC Província Brasil Cidade dos Meninos Geraldo Magalhães Cic voc Philippines Philippines Im. Concepció d'Horta Barcelona Hna. Patricia CIC Argentina Vatican News français Rome Irmã Marinez Bareta Philippines Loli Montero CIC Lloret de Mar Joaninha M. CIC Província Brasil Carisma Azul um jeito... Província Brasil Ir. Marluce Almeida Cuiabá Pastoralcare forchildren Philippines Irmãs Azuis São Paulo Província Brasil Cic Saldillo Paraguay Asuncion Inmaculada Concepción Paraguay Provincia Paraguay Asuncion Cic Castres Immaculée Congrégation Inmaculada Concepción Lomas - Argentina Sites of the Provinces cic delegation cic philippines province de são paulo - brésil province du mexique mato-grosso bolívia amazonas province argentine - uruguay site rede azul de educação - brasil rede azul colégio n. dame de lourdes mt Réseau Bleu d'éducation site sisters of our lady of the immaculate conception of castres

  • PASTORALE SANTÉ | Immaculée Conception

    pastorale de la santé Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie La journée d'intégration - collège - ville - communauté à curitibanos sc Voir + La pastorale scolaire du Colégio Maria Imaculada propose des espaces d'action qui impliquent la participation et l'engagement de l'ensemble de la communauté éducative, avec un processus de formation au volontariat et aux actions de service. Ainsi la communauté des Sœurs Bleues a été invité à la journée d'intégration en ce début avril 2024. Nous aussi, de la Pastorale de la santé, nous présentons le travail que nous faisons pour aider la communauté. (soeur Aneli Merini) preparemo-nos para pentecostes com santa emilie - 2020 Irmã Laure Deymier - Casa Mãe maio de 2020

  • Prayers | Immaculée Conception

    Together in Prayer Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube Let's pray together You can entrust your prayer intention (request, praise, thanksgiving ...) to the Community of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. We will pray together with Saint Emilie de Villeneuve. Let's pray together You can entrust your prayer intention (request, praise, thanksgiving ...) to the Community of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. We will pray together with Saint Emilie de Villeneuve. Let's pray together You can entrust your prayer intention (request, praise, thanksgiving ...) to the Community of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. We will pray together with Saint Emilie de Villeneuve. Let's pray together You can entrust your prayer intention (request, praise, thanksgiving ...) to the Community of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. We will pray together with Saint Emilie de Villeneuve. Let's pray together You can entrust your prayer intention (request, praise, thanksgiving ...) to the Community of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. We will pray together with Saint Emilie de Villeneuve.

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Lives: the sisters Blues in the world! LIBRARY VIDEOS PICTURES AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EUROPE foro social azul 2022 en argentina Our CON-MOVEMOS - Blue Social Forum 2022 Equipo Pastoral Juvenil Azul foro social azul 2022 en argentina Dignity is at stake, we come together to take care of our common home. Equipo Pastoral Juvenil Azul foro social azul 2022 en argentina Blue Social Forum conversation tables - 2022 Equipo Pastoral Juvenil Azul azules au CONVENTO - Retirement home With the Sisters at the Convent of Lomas de Zamora - Argentina Equipo Pastoral Juvenil Azul vocation service Sister Laure Deymier belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres. Inserted in youth ministry in the diocese of Albi and in human and spiritual accompaniment. See more loved and called by god The month of August, month of vocations: Formation for the catechists of Paraná by Sister Lurdes Corona. See more religious life, gift of god Message from Ana Célia, from the community tee Cariacica ES. Sunday August 16, 2020, beginning of the Week of Prayer for Religious and Consecrated. See more foro azul argentina Convento Argentina Lent! way of life Every Wednesday of Lent Sister Janete Silva proposes a moment of reflection and prayer on a gospel theme to help us live this important moment of our faith. Youtube Novena of Saint Emilie de Villeneuve On the occasion of Emilie de Villeneuve's life anniversary, the Blue Education Network of the Province of S. Paulo proposed 9 days with Sainte Emilie with the contribution of all the School Institutions. Moderated by Sr. Janete Silva. Youtube being blue, a way to be happy Live by the staff and students of the Madre Iva de Cotia college who talk about being blue today, following the charism of Saint Emilia, as lay and religious missionaries. See more Birthday of Emilie de Villeneuve On the occasion of the anniversary of the founder Emilie de Villeneuve, this live from Colégio Imaculada Conceição de Cáceres Mato Grosso Brazil. Facebook congregational life - 4 general Feel and give more life! The last four superiors general of the congregation tell us what was essential for the life of the Institute during this time of their mandate. See more teaching for more life The Emilie de Villeneuve School Institution in São Paulo shares what Emilie de Villeneuve's charisma brings to students and staff even today See more LIVE AZUL II "O SENTIR EO PULSAR" 24/10/2020 14:00 (CET) *As SUCESSORAS of EMILIE vão our falar!* 'But uma parcelia com o grupo Loyola! Sábado vamos nos encontrar em mais uma Live Azul ​ *Special edition of LOYOLA EM FOCO!* Teremos a honra, mais uma vez, de receber as *Irmãs Azuis (Congregação da Imaculada Conceição de Castres)*, que falarão sobre o TEMA: *O felt eo pulsar! Onde a VIDA clama por VIDA!* - Sucessoras de Santa Emilie nos falam. As irmãs azuis, em seu carisma, são convidadas a serem missionárias onde quer que estejam, a ousar lutar pela justiça, pela paz, pelo respeito e atenção aos mais fracos, em todos os locais de vida; fazer tudo isso por amor segundo o lema que a congregação adotou: "elas irão sem hesitar lá onde a voz dos pobres as chamar". *Sunday 24/10 at 9 a.m. (Brasília time), 2 p.m. (Paris time), esperamos você!* *Link from LIVE*: (click/imagem) ​ 'Essa "RETROSPECTIVA HISTÓRIA" de caminhada DEUS CONOSCO``` *desde o PERÍODO de nossa GERAL MARIA GABRIELA SONEIRA*, ```não pertence somente às IRMÃS AZUIS, a nossa FAMÍLIA AZUL, mas a todos os que caminham conosco, de forma EVANGELIZADORA e MISSIONÁRIA e passaram a AMAR a VIDA...``` *Between BUILDING PONTES, ESCOLHENDO O VINHO NOVO... e AO REDOR DO FOGO, juntas ACOLHEMOS a VIDA! JESUS SALVADOR will be but conhecido e amado! Semper sob o OLHAR by NOSSA SENHORA DA IMACULADA CONCEIÇÃO.* October 3: Feast of Saint Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve "Have a holy predilection for the poor, the little ones, the weak and the afflicted..." (D.1852-103) final vows of sr laure deymier in castres - saint benoit cathedral youtube diocese of albi 2 e 3 de outubro: lives homenagens e celebrações Santa Emilie (em pt) click link click link click link perpetual profession of laure deymier in castres - france youtube diocese of albi RCF leitura orante com os pais - cuiabá haiti: o cotidiano in pptx link of the da live: youtube congregation and edições loyola de são paulo *Um Loyola em Foco especial!* É assim que podemos descrever a nossa manhã de *segunda-feira, dia 31/08 às 10 horas*, onde teremos a honra de receber as *Irmãs Azuis (Congregação da Imaculada Conceição de Castres)*, que nos contarão sobre o carisma da congregação ea maravilhosa história de *Santa Emilie de Villeneuve.* As irmãs azuis, em seu carisma, são convidadas a serem missionárias onde quer que estejam, a ousar lutar pela justiça, pela paz, pelo respeito e atenção aos mais fracos, em todos os locais de vida; fazer tudo isso por amor segundo o lema que a congregação adotou: *"elas irão sem hesitar lá onde a voz dos pobres as chamar".* *E que mulher foi essa, Santa Emilie de Villeneuve, que acreditou que seria possível?* *Esperamos você!* Convide serious amigos para se juntarem conosco nesta LIVE AZUL... *Link from LIVE:* LIVE COM IRMA IZABETE DAL FARRA Lives with the Sisters of the Congregation PHILIPPINES This July 25, 2020 the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres rejoice with Sister Priyangika who makes her final vows. in manila: eucharistic celebration during which our sister priyangika makes her final vows to jesus savior in the congregation "eu peço a deus que a dor não me seja indiferente" dom joaquim (acre), na qualidade de lider e pastor, neste texto toma o lado dos que sofrem. October 28, 2020 at 8:15 p.m. facebook of the Diocese of Caçador SC Participation of Irmã Izabete Dal Farra Community of Cariacica ES haiti: o cotidiano in pptx

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    The call comes from God! we have the answer... Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube be a sister blue, today An adventure for you, for me, as it was for the foundress Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve... vocation, call of god ​ Vocation is a gift received from God, which He offers in a particular way to each human being. This call exceeds our capacity to realize it, but God freely gives us the graces to make it concrete in our lives. ​ By faith, the person feels God's invitation with touches and signs. This is not presented as a personal project, with a list of tasks to accomplish, but as an interior conviction based on a unique, personal and irreplaceable relationship with the Lord. ​ missionary consecrated life God, implementing his project of creative love, calls us to Life. And so that the life of each created being can develop, He surrounds it with care, protection and conditions which favor this unfolding and this growth. As in a touch of love, as happened with Elijah, the prophet of the Old Testament, the person sensitive to God encounters him in a surprising way, in the gentle breeze that comes to his heart. This encounter is so transformative that from then on, she will never be the same again, as she will taste something she has never experienced before in her life. This experience resonates as a call to get closer to this BEING who enchants her internally, God himself. A call which is normally accompanied by a double way of living: consecration and mission. what does it mean to be a blue SISTER in our time? It is to be a joyful, dynamic, happy person... Who appreciates life, friendship, who wants to give of himself, who understands that knowledge can help the world to be better, who likes to be with people. .. In short, who loves his vocation to be called and sent by God to configure his life with Jesus the Savior and Mary Immaculate. what gives meaning to the life and mission of the Blue SISTERS? ​ Prayer - an experience of God, a transforming encounter and a place to nurture the desire for mission. ​ Community life - a place to experience friendship, joy and the sharing of vocation and mission; to create bonds of brotherhood. ​ Mission at the service of life - as a response to God's call. "It doesn't matter if I am here or there, as long as the will of God is accomplished". Today, like yesterday... God continues to speak. He continues to offer... He invites the sisters, the laity, strongly linked called to be co-responsible for the charism work together on training and missions. ​ Young people and adults feel challenged by the spirituality of the “blue family” and assume the most diverse commitments. ​ Young people discover the meaning of their life in the religious vocation … they come to live the Blue Dream, sharing the life of our communities We give thanks for life, celebrate it and share it. Carisma Azul um jeito... Província Brasil Cic voc Philippines Philippines Sœurs Bleues Hnas azules Congrégation Irmãs Azuis São Paulo Província Brasil Provincia Paraguay Asuncion Cic Castres Immaculée Congrégation Ir. Janete Silva CIC Província Brasil Blue charisma: a way to be happy (pt) Saint Emilie de Villeneuve introduces herself... I was born in Toulouse, in the south of France in 1811. From a very young age, what the poorest have been going through breaks my heart. ​ The privileged environment in which I grew up did not prevent me from seeing this reality made up of a lot of injustice and suffering... ​ God spoke to me through multiple voices… many questions arose in me: what does God want from me? Time for discernment and prayer to know the way. I responded to that voice... … to these voices, to a clear and deep call... I told my father about my decision: - “Father, it is for God that I leave you: “I want to serve the poor…” ​ On December 8, 1836, in the church of La Platé, in Castres, I realized my dream and I began, with two companions, the path of Soeur Bleue. We want to live adeep and simple brotherhood , committed to Jesus the Savior in God's plan of love for the peoples. ​ God Alone will be the center of our life, not “me alone”. Mary Immaculate will teach us to see realit y, the world, others, with spotless eyes, as God sees them. It is for God that I leave you. I want to serve the poor. La Fondatrice Les Sœurs iront là où la voix du pauvre les appelle. Vocation L'appel de Dieu se fait présent aujourd'hui encore. Guinée bissau L'éducation prise dans tous les sens ordonne nos choix missionnaires. La Fondatrice Les Sœurs iront là où la voix du pauvre les appelle. 1/7 La vie religieuse, chemin de vie Suivre le Christ dans la vie religieuse aujourd'hui Rencontre de jeunes sur le thème de la vocation Les étapes de la formation à la vie religieuse ​ témoignage de sr. laure deymier sur sa vocation religieuse Meetings of young people in research - final commitments - testimonials Perpetual Profession of the Sisters Mexico - Rome - Dakar - DRC in 2020 Photos of the celebration NEYMY Mexico facebook celebration GHISLAINE Roma Dakar Meeting of young people in research Vocational Encuentro Caacupemi vida missionária azul em nordestina - bahia "amados, chamados por deus" ms vocacional. com irmã lurdes corona come and follow me ! live with sister Maria veronese irmã janete Silva - toda vocação vem de deus irmã ana célia de oliveira - a vida religiosa Happy in the mission with young people From Cotia para o Mato Grosso: envio de vocacionada From Nordestina (Br) for Bolívia: Envio de uma jovem Senegal welcomes young postulants on October 3, 2020 drc - colony with young people in search: vocation PHILIPPINES in manila: eucharistic celebration during which our sister priyangika makes her final vows to jesus the savior in the congregation This July 25, 2020 the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres rejoice with Sister Priyangika who makes her final vows.

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Today, blue life in the world WHO ARE WE NEWS EVENTS REFLECT/PRAY TO THE OTHER EDGE FAMILY DEATH blue community in lyon! From Dakar to Lyon - Home of the Community The community is welcomed this October 23, 2021 in the diocesan mission of the Church of Lyon ​ See more "The Sisters of the Blue Couvent are happy to invite you to experience a historic event for their Congregation. On October 20 at 5 p.m.,Sr Carmen Halim, Sr Marie-Pauline and Sr Thérèse-Elisabeth, from the Province of Senegal, will be sent on a mission to found a community in the diocese of Lyon. 173 years ago, Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve sent the first French missionaries to Senegal. Today, Senegal is coming to found a community in France. We are in joy and invite you to come and share this joy with us. Mass on October 20 will take place at 5 p.m. at the Blue Couvent and will be presided over by Bishop Legrez. At the end, we will share the glass of friendship and celebrate our sisters." Today, with Emilie, in the world... The founder Saint Emilie de Villeneuve! ​ a woman who believed it was possible : to commit one's life to following Jesus to get involved in the construction of a fair and united society to realize and realize this dream This is how the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres, the Blue Sisters, was born. sending mass on mission in castres on 10/20/21 online library beatification music EV See more sister edith left us See more training catechists br See more Marcio Andrade: petition See more amazon: women! church See more thank you sisters See more Highlights of 2020 See more migrant, who are you? See more novena of saint emilia See more UISG letter in view of the Synod 2023 We share with you this letter, received from the International Union of Major Superiors. ​ See more let's give thanks to the Lord with our sisters See more latest posts See more See more "Mother Jean Gabriel" school complex in Librebille - Gabon Journal of Lycée students commemorating the 10th anniversary of the secondary establishment. ​ Samba N°1 Journal of the school "Mother Jean Gabriel" May 2021 ​ Events Read the newspaper on the internet See more Marie Sidonie OYEMBO (Gabonese) The Congregation is happy to learn on February 19 of the appointment of Sr. Marie Sidonie Oyembo as "Consultant for the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life", by Pope Francis. ​ See letter from the General Team See more Joaninha Honorio Madeira With Migrants in the Amazon. Discover the story of people who, 10 years ago, arrived in Brazil through the Acre border with Peru in search of a better life, and who are now doing the opposite movement, leaving behind a Brazil immersed in a serious social crisis. See the pictures ​ Reflection on the MIGRANT TODAY by Sr Joaninha. ​ See more Janete Silva - Prayer Reflection Lent! Way of life! Every path of conversion has its secrets. You can discover some of them by following, here, every Wednesday, a meditation for the Lent period. ​ Novena of Sainte Emilie from March 1 to 9 publication s Online library e media library e youtube videos cic-castre s youtube videos cic j b youtube videos sit e live sit videos e photo albums e towards canonization - sr m. ayres See the channel from beatification to canonization See the channel rosangela Maria Recounts the call heard See the channel Province of s. paul on mission See the channel live emilie de villeneuve See the channel important meeting with the daughters of jesus in massac Migrants in the Amazon, prevented from returning to their country feast of consecrated life! Let us celebrate our jubilee sisters with joy. See listings In solidarity with those who suffer the consequences of covid 19 Community of Elderly Sisters in Solidarity with the Poorest Feast of the Immaculate! Together in joy! Merry Christmas ! Happy New Year 2022! That in the coming year, we live fully the PEACE, the JOY of EMMANUEL! Our JOY will only be total if we include, as if muted, the TEARS of OTHERS since someone else carries us in their JOY. The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres Noël Menton French Riviera France our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá Testimony of Sr. janete da silva on redevida this may 4, 2022. See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá cnbb: celebration of the regional light 3 - sanctuary espírito santo See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá Xmas ! our lady of lourdes in cuiabá - mt See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá blue mission in cariacica with the youth group See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá janete sings to our lady aparecida patroness of brazil. See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá mission congress in toulouse in october 2021. See more our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá eight young people from Senegal are entering the novitiate in 2021. See more our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá new translation of the roman missal - week by week See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá novena to the immaculate in mexico ""la purisima Concepción" See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá meditation: we are the sacred temple - sr. Janet See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá remember: arrival of the blue sisters in cuiabá See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá saint jeanne emilie de villeneuve and the angels. Read + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá great joy for the whole congregation with the jubilarians See more our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá August 15: reopening of the church of La Platé in Castres. See more our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá our sisters gone to the Lord in recent months See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá live Advent - meditation with sr. luzia bongiovani See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá sr. subajini sahaya nicholas finishes her nursing studies See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá at port gentil school - missionary day See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá Saint Jeanne Emilie celebrated in the world on October 3, 2021. Party: pictures our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá amazonia: the cry of the excluded... in september 2021. See more our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá Advent Meditation - Luke 7.24-30 December 16, 2021: Jean-Baptiste See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá missionary action at saint emilie school - senegal See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá rede vida: with janetinha 1a. P See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá either one is a Catholic Christian or one is not. See + our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá the bénédictines of dourgne in castres for the feast of ste. emily See more our christmas 2021 college our lady of Lourdes de cuiabá in gabon: first wishes from julie clemence eale in september 2021. See more disasters in haiti - august 2021 See more thanksgiving mass gabon See more rede vida: with janetinha 2A. P See more Saint Joseph makes himself present See more deceased europe sisters See more party corpus Christi - cariacica See more gabon: thanksgiving See more prayer for vocations See more uisg letter - synod 2023 See more Samba No. 1 - Libreville See more Mother's day in cotia - May 8 See more philippines: Profession sr. grace See more echoes : council of congregation See more with the sisters of massac See more encounter vocation level See more presence blue en spain See more sister edith left us See more rede vida: with janetinha 1a. P See more formation of sisters and laity See more port gentil school See more

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Photos: General Chapter of the Congregation. PUBLICATIONS VIDEOS ALBUMS AFRICA AMERICA ASIA EUROPE CH GENERAL The new general animation team General Chapter: from April 19 to May 11, 2018 in Castres. The new general team From left to right : - Marie Béatrice (Senegalese) - Irma (Paraguayan) - Justi - General (Spanish) - Rosângela Maria (Brazilian) African Continent Day Video: General Chapter Delegations by Province, Region or Delegation Marie-Christine Dilva Cecile Marly Graciela FOTOS ALBUNS Date: 15 August 19 April 2018 ​ Chegada dos participants Date: April 19, 2018 ​ Encontro na Casa-Mãe Visit to Igreja N. Senhora de La Platé Celebração de abertura do Capítulo Date: April 15 to 19, 2018 ​ Arrival of participants Date: April 19, 2018 Meeting at the Mother House Visit of the Church of Our Lady of La Platé Chapter Opening Celebration

  • Sisters Faces List | Immaculée Conception

    faces of sisters and their mission Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube Sister Joaninha Honório Madeira (Brazilian) "What we are going through here, really, is a cruel thing. It touches the heart of humanity. People are treated like objects, like trash, and here in Peru it's the first time we've seen it. Let's see. It's really a cruel thing. The expression comes from the missionary Joaninha Honório Madeira, of the order of the Immaculate Conception. See more Marie Sidonie OYEMBO (Gabonese) Oyembo Sidonie was born on May 5, 1968 in Port-Gentil (Gabon), to Samuel OYEMBO and Jeanne Nicole NGUELE. She is the third child in a family of five. Baptized at Saint - Dominique de Moanda in Haut - Ogooué, she will receive first communion at the Parish of Saint - Paul des Bois in Port - Gentil and Confirmation at the Parish of Saint - Louis in Port - Gentil. See more Marie Philomène DIOUF (Senegalese) Sister Marie Philomène DIOUF belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres. A Bible scholar, she teaches, gives sessions, animates spiritual retreats and writes books whose goal is to make the Word of God more accessible. See more

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    SYNOD FOR THE AMAZON FROM 6 TO 27 OCTOBER 2019 Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie Instituto humanitas unisinos O Sínodo e os Direitos dos Povos da Amazônia (Felicio Pontes Jr) "A Igreja Católica manteve a evolução no campo da promoção dos direitos pos ambientais e dos povos da Amazônia. " Final document # SínodoAmazônico: a Igreja está compromometida em ser aliada da Amazônia (vatican news) documento final do sínodo para a amazônia # Sínodo-Amazónico - XVI Congregación General: Discurso improvisado por el Santo Padre Francisco al término de los trabajos de la Asamblea Especial del Sínodo de los Obispos para la Región Panamazónica, 27.10.2019 Final documento. La Iglesia compromises itself at ser aliada de la Amazonía (vatican news) Final document of the Synod: the Church pledges to be an ally of the Amazon (vatican news) stories with @migasocial The stories of Marta Isabel González Alvarez 21 días que pueden cambiarlo todo synodal gaze of a Sahel woman Sharing of Sister Anne Béatrice Faye - Rome October 28, 2019 synod: ktotv interesting shows Synod: #SynodeAmazonie: Special Edition 10.27.2019 Closing Mass of the Synod for the Amazon 27/10/2019 Synod: A female ministry in the Church? 25/10/2019 The synodal path and its spiritual combat 26/10/2019 Synod on the Amazon: obligation of result 10/14/2019 vatican news - General Audience: the Pope looks back on the beginnings of evangelization GENERAL HOUSE: PHOTO ALBUM On October 21, 2019, the General Animation Team of the Congregation, the Young Sisters in formation and the Community of Rome welcome the participants of the COMMON HOUSE TENT present in Rome for the Synod for the Amazon. Synod: #Sinodoamazonico: El don de Dios en el centro Synod: Synod fathers renew the "Pact of the Catacombs" Synod: the commitment of Canadians to defend the Common Home Synod: Amazonia and Congo Basin, same fight, according to Cardinal Ambongo Le Monde Synod: Proposals of the Synod of Catholic Bishops rome General House and the "Common House" Team of the Synod Um dos temas do cronograma do SIPT era sobre o Sínodo da Amazônia. E como Irmã Joaninha Madeira da Província do Mato Grosso faz parte da Equipe Itinerante, estando ela em Roma com toda a equipe para as atividades da Tenda Casa Comum, faith convidada a vir falar sobre a realidade da Amazônia e do Sínodo para as junioras do SIPT , na tarde do dia 21 de outubro de 2019. Faith uma experiência riquíssima o encontro com este grupo intercultural composto por padres, religiosas e leigos que vivem e trabalham juntos não só em defesa dos indígenas e de seus direitos, mas com eles vivendo sua vida . joaninha video SYNOD: VIA CRUCIS PHOTO ALBUM Via Crucis no Vaticano: Presença dos martires da Amazônia In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Momento muito especial hoje dia 19 de outubro de 2019. (Irmã Joaninha Madeira). Stations of the Cross this morning October 19. Very moving moment during this synodal time. Anne Beatrice sister anne béatrice shares the first week of the synod Sister Anne Béatrice Faye CIC with the Cardinal Hummes UISG Program with Religious UISG links to accompany the Synod for the Amazon with the Delegates in Rome from October 6 to 27, 2019. Webinar “Sowing Hope for the Planet: Amazonia” UISG website irmã Joaninha - casa comum Com os Indígenas do Canadá Mística desta manhã com a presença de indígenas do Canadá TECENDO REDES. Comunicar-se na Casa Comum Texto do Pe. Aloir Pacini A tarde toda no auditório da Rádio Vaticano faith ocupada com um painel de jornalistas e especialistas em comunicação com a pergunta: Como comunicar a ecologia integral e os estilos de vida sustentáveis? SYNOD: PHOTO ALBUM vatican news Vía Crucis en el Vaticano. Presencia de los mártires de la Amazoní a In addition to this, you need to know more about it. La mañana del sábado 19 de octubre en los alrededores del Castello San Angelo de Roma, se han reunido varios cientos de personas de todo el mundo irmã Joaninha - casa comum SYNOD: PHOTO ALBUM Com os Indigenous peoples of Canada Mística desta manhã com a presença de indígenas do Canada TECENDO REDES. Comunicarse na Casa Comum Texto do Pe. Aloir Pacini A tarde toda no auditório da Rádio Vaticano foi ocupada com um painel de jornalistas e especialistas em comunicação com a pergunta: Como comunicar a ecologia integral e os estilos de vida sustentáveis? vatican news 12th General Congregation: Vatican News In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The special synod of bishops for the Amazon held its 12th general congregation this Tuesday afternoon. From Wednesday to Thursday morning, the minor circles resume, and their reports will be presented to the assembly in the afternoon of Thursday, October 17. digital religion trevas and luz Cardenal Hollerich: “No se puede ser una Iglesia de decisiones tomadas sólo por hombres” kto tv KTO TV "Amazonia: new paths for the Church and for an integral ecology". KTO is mobilizing to make you live the event: the daily flashes of our special envoys in Rome, interviews and the main stages to follow live. Instituto humanitas unisino Revista ihu on-line Em linhas gerais, o Sínodo Pan-Amazônico quer discuss a importância da floresta para todas as formas de vida e como a Igreja Católica pode to insert nesse contexto de preservação. Mas, é mais do que isso . Instituto humanitas unisino Revista ihu online A foto é incomum: sentados ouvindo no anfiteatro do Vaticano, os aproximadamente 250 cardeais e bispos usam ternos pretos com golas romanas como o único sinal distintivo Instituto humanitas unisino Dom Adalberto refers to his palavras do dad francisco no final da congregação geral na quarta-feira, onde disse que “o que chamou a atenção é a violência que está presente no mundo. ¿Quién financed the initiative “Amazonía Casa Común” during el Sínodo? aci take vatican news #SínodoAmazonico. The Iglesia promoted el ministerio laico de las mujeres kto youtube Site to consult. The translation in some languages is available. ​ Our group continues its reflection on a daily basis in conjunction with the Synodal Fathers and Mothers. Thank you for accompanying us in prayer. Sunday 10/13, canonization of Newman, Sister Dulce (Brazilian) and other saints . Sister Anne Beatrice Faye "Common House" in Rome Com o Papa Francisco outubro de 2019 eo Sínodo para a Amazônia Eu rezo e apoio o Papa Francisco. Oremos. Pe. Anderson da Paróquia Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro - Praia da Costa Vila Velha ES ​ Amazônia: ''Quem critica o Sínodo provavelmente é contra o papa ea própria Igreja'' Mauricio Lopez comment toCupula no Vaticano : “Se não somos capazes de mudar formas e doutrinas – não os dogmas – isso signifies that não sabemos responder às exigências das pessoas”. SITE: el tiempo Remarkable presence of women at the Synod Site to consult. Translation into some languages ​​is available. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Our group pursues its daily reflection in connection with the Synod Fathers and Mothers. Thank you for accompanying us in prayer. Sunday 13/10, canonization of Newman, Sister Dulce (Brazilian) and other saints. Sister Anne Béatrice Faye Instituto humanitas unisino Revista ihu online Um Sínodo para os povos indígenas: cultura, pastoral e eucaristia na Amazonia - Part 1 “A criminalização das lideranças é uma ameaça constant na Amazônia”, affirmed Maria Petronila Neto Click Amazonico - 9 outubro 19 “Francisco fez uma pause our hard work do Sínodo da Amazônia para presidir a audiência pública de quarta-feira. Frente a dezena de milhares de pessoas (especialmente os barulhentos de língua espanhola), o Papa falou da figura de Saulo, depois Paulo. “Um homem que quer destroy in Igreja , e que depois será o instrumento de Deus para anunciar o Evangelho”. Clic Amazónico: dimensions of the sínodo de la Amazonía “O Sínodo não se trata de reivindicar coisas, mas reconhecer as coisas que já se estão fazendo”. Desde uma autêntica conversão ecológica integral, na Amazônia, Casa Comum, #NossosMártiresVivem e inspiration para que continuemos caminhando juntos: povos indígenas, amazônicos e Igreja. Desde Roma, na nossa canoa, firms na esperança nesse#ClickAmazónico .e Synod October 12, 2019 video Links... Links... Web... Sínodo Amazónico: the mirada profética de la Iglesia Synod on the morning of October 9, 2019 Synod for the Amazon on October 8, 2019 Photo album: Synod Rome Report of Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri (ask for French translation) October 7, 2019: Italian report In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. #SinodoAmazonico - 1ª Congregazione Generale: Relazione del Card. Lorenzo Baldisseri, Segretario Generale, 07.10.2019 Relatório do Cardeal Lorenzo Baldisseri (pedir a translation in portuguese) Informe del cardenal Lorenzo Baldisseri ((Solicite la traducción al español)) Homily of the Pope on October 6 Omelia di Papa Francesco - Messa di apertura del Sinodo per l'Amazzonia - October 6, 2019: #SinodoAmazonico - Cappella Papale per l'apertura dell'Assemblea Speciale del Sinodo dei Vescovi per la Regione Panamazzonica, sul tema: “Amazzonia: new cammini per la Chiesa e per una ecologia integrale” (6-27 October 2019), 06.10.2019 Homilía del Papa Francisco - Misa de apertura del Sínodo para el Amazonas - 6 de octubre de 2019 In French: Homily of Pope Francis from the Opening Mass of the Synod for the Amazon - October 6, 2019 In português: Homilia do Papa Francisco - Missa de abertura do Sínodo para a Amazônia 6 de outubro de 2019 Homily of Pope Francis - Opening Mass of the Synod for the Amazon - October 6, 2019 Synod for the Amazon Opening: Pope's speech - October 7, 2019 Youtube Vatican News ​ Celebração da abertura do Sínodo para a Amazônia - 7 de outubro de 2019 : Vídeo_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb53b-58dbadVatic News Youtube Vatican News Video Vatican News esp Youtube Vatican News pt 2a parte Papa Francisco-Abertura dos trabalhos sinodans 2019-10-07 Youtube Vatican News ingles. 2a parte: discourse in português. ​ ​ Youtube Vatican News en Part 1 Opening of the Synod: the Pope calls for a respectful inculturation of peoples Irma Joaninha - CIC Sister Anne Béatrice from Senegal is present in Rome for the Synod for the Amazon. Thank you to our two sisters for representing us at this important time for the mission of the Church! With Saint Emilie: "The Sisters will go where the voice of the poor calls them"... Anne Béatrice Faye and Joaninha CIC Vatican News Synod on the Amazon: young people, protagonists of integral ecology THE CROSS In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. They are fighting for the Amazon Vatican News Synod on the Amazon: Young Protagonists of Integral Ecology Vatican October 7 2019 Rome: Synod for the Amazon Opening Mass October 6, 2019 Missa da abertura do Sínodo para a Amazonia. Youtube Vatican News pt Offering procession: Joaninha and two other people from the Amazonian Group. Rome: Moment of adoration - Transpontina Church, October 5, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Rome in the Vatican Gardens with Pope Francis: participation of the Brazilian group, October 4, 2019 Message from Edna de Oliveira - Estare Mawè from Rome for the Congregation Irmã Joaninha Madeira CIC Edna de Oliveira - Estare Mawè Synode Rome - Joaninha 00:00 / 00:00 Synode Rome - Edna de Oliveira 00:00 / 00:00 An interesting link on the Panamazonia Synod. it is a planetary mobilization around our Common House, our environment. (Sister Anne Béatrice Faye who participates in the Synod in Rome) Amazonia: Casa Común in Roma por Roberto Carrasco OMI Papa consagra o Sínodo para a Amazônia a São Francisco de Assis. Vatican News Video Vatican News The Special Synod on the Amazon presented in the Press Room In the Vatican gardens with the Pope Other news from this event: Swiss newspaper Synod for the Amazon: official site This documentary presents a preview of the Synod for the Amazon, convened by Pope Francis in 2017. What is meant by a Synod, the theme, the process and the expectations are some of the points that appear in this video. Translators: Jorge Calderón (Spanish), Ramlit Navarro (English), Norbert Foester (German), Arlindo Dias and Enzo Santângelo (Italian), Christin Michel (French) See + Videos Sínodo da Amazônia - Opinião by Dom Anuar Battisti, Arcebispo de Maringá. "Many Catholic Christians Believe in False False News About the Synod" In a message of support for the Amazon Synod, which will be held at the Vatican from October 6 to 27, Mgr Anuar Battisti, Archbishop of Maringá, ... questions the commitment of Catholic Christians who criticize the Synod ... See + AMAZONIA: LAND OF MISSION IN RESPECT OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Let's prepare the Synod for the PanAmazonia - Roma October 2019. Preparemos o Sínodo para a PanAmazonia - Roma outubro 2019. Preparemos el Sínodo para la PanAmazonia - Roma, October 2019. XXIII General Assembly of CIMI - Indigenous Missionary Council Amazônia em perigo! Lute por nós ... Our sisters Joaninha and Edinéia from the Province of Mato Grosso participate in the XXIII General Assembly of Cimi which elects its new secretary and publishes the final document with clearly defined priorities and motivated missionaries ... Presence of Indigenous Peoples aé CIMI: video Nossas irmãs Joaninha e Edinéia da Provincia do Mato Grosso participam da XXIII Assembleia Geral do Cimi qui elege novo secretariado e divulga documento final com prioridades definidas e missionários e missionárias motivados. XXIII Assembleia Geral do CIMI - Conselho Indigenista Missionário. CIMI: Conselho Indigenista Missionario. Organismo ligado a CNBB, Conferência dos Bispos do Brasil. Faith criado para a defesa dos povos indigenas e seus territórios. Esta Assembleia, a XXIII aconteceu no Centro de Fração Vicente Cañas em Luziânia, Goiais. O tema: Em defesa da Constituição, contra o roubo ea devastação de territórios indígenas. Lema: "Alto there!!! esta terra tem dono! Em tempos de cenário sombrio que ameça a vida dos "povos originários" o CIMI quer ser uma resposta esperançosa. Pedro Casaldaliga) Presença dos Povos indígenas no CIMI: video “Nesses cinco dias de Assembleia fomos despertados pelo testemunho dos povos indígenas e motivados a partir das nossas lutas e sonhos” Vigília de oração em preparação para o Sínodo de Amazônia: Roma 5 de outubro de 2019 Amazônia: mission of Sister Joaninha in the traveling team Sister Joaninha's mission in the Amazon in an itinerant team made up of priests, religious (her), lay people, lay people...

  • Soeurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Philippines Amazonie Défis Cic mission Pandémie Education Témoignages Décès 2023 Vidéos cic Visages Youtube be sister blue, today The call comes from God! we have the answer... Photos Vidéo Transmission de la cél ébration eucharistique au cours de laquelle la novice Alice Helena Arruda dos Santos a fait sa profession religieuse, exprimant publiquement sa consécration à Dieu par les vœux de chasteté, de pauvreté et d'obéissance et celui de se donner totalement au service des membres pauvres et souffrants de Jésus-Christ, en vivant dans une communauté fraternelle, selon les Constitutions de la Congrégation des Sœurs de Notre-Dame de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Sœurs Bleues Youtube : Irmãs Azuis Província do Brasil ​ The call comes from God! we have the answer... Photos Vidéo Transmission de la cél ébration eucharistique au cours de laquelle la novice Luz Maria Montenegro Coca a fait sa profession religieuse, exprimant publiquement sa consécration à Dieu par les vœux de chasteté, de pauvreté et d'obéissance et celui de se donner totalement au service des membres pauvres et souffrants de Jésus-Christ, en vivant dans une communauté fraternelle, selon les Constitutions de la Congrégation des Sœurs de Notre-Dame de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres - Sœurs Bleues Youtube : Irmã Maria Guilherme ​ "Le plus important c'est de faire la volonté de Dieu" Profession 02_edited Idiofa RDC profession 04_edited Idiofa RDC Profession perpetuelle RDC_edited A Lyon le 23 octobre 2021 - célébration et accueil Profession 02_edited Idiofa RDC 1/4 Voeux définitifs dans la Congrégation à Idiofa - RDC 8 décembre 2022 Photos Luz Maria “ Saisies par le Bonheur d’être à Dieu et pour toujours » 1er recyclage01 Groupe de soeurs au Gabon recyclage 02 Au Gabon recyclage 04 moments de réflexion 1er recyclage01 Groupe de soeurs au Gabon 1/4 Voir d'autres photos premier recyclage continental des soeurs bleues des 3 Provinces d'afrique au gabon et au sénégal du 15 juillet au 26 août 2022 Du 15 juillet au 26 août 2022, les trois provinces d’Afrique ou la REPA ont organisé le premier recyclage continental en offrant à 38 sœurs du milieu de la Vie, une expérience de ressourcement. Les deux animatrices : Sr Laurence ZANINKA, religieuse de la Congrégation des Auxiliatrices des Ames du purgatoire et Sr Marie Sidonie OYEMBO,cic ont fait ainsi ce bel itinéraire avec nous. Le parcours réalisé se voulait être un itinéraire de renouvellement du bonheur d’être Sœur de l’Immaculée avec toute la richesse de la vie d’une femme consacrée à Dieu, au service de la VIE. ​ Nous vous livrons ici quelques échos des participantes : Dans les trois provinces, le recyclage a commencé par une célébration dûment préparée avec le texte de la samaritaine (Jn4, 1- 42) et la symbolique du puits qui nous a plongées dans la recherche de l’eau vive pour un nouveau départ. La première partie du recyclage a été animée par Sœur Laurence, autour du thème : « Femmes consacrées en plein milieu de la vie : poursuivons notre étoile malgré et avec les changements inévitables » (CMIS.II,392) La Sœur a développé avec une méthodologie dynamique et participative, quatre sous – thèmes : la crise, le milieu de la vie, le pardon, le deuil. ​ La crise Nous avons compris que la crise est le moteur du changement en nous. Nous avons eu l’occasion de regarder les différentes crises, qui peuvent nous arriver : ce fut un moment de grande découverte et de prise de conscience. A chaque crise correspond une solution spécifique, d’où la nécessité d’apprendre à nommer la crise que nous traversons au moment où nous y sommes. Cela n’est possible que si on se connait soi-même ; on peut ainsi s’accueillir et mieux gérer la crise. Le bienfait de la crise est quelle nous aide à grandir et à nous recentrer sur l’essentiel de notre vocation. C’est l’heure du désenchantement. Le milieu de la vie Le milieu de la vie est une phase de transition, de renaissance pour répondre à l’appel de Dieu avec plus de réalisme. C’est le moment de célébrer la vie, un temps de réconciliation avec notre passé pour plus de disponibilité, le temps de répartir avec de nouvelles énergies. La ménopause survient souvent à cette période. C’est un temps de grande fragilité physique. Comme consacrée, nous avons besoin ici de redécouvrir d’autres fécondités en nous. C’est aussi un moment de prise de conscience de cette main de Dieu qui nous accompagne inlassablement et nous propulse dans la Don de plus en plus authentique de nous –mêmes. ​ Le pardon Avec ce thème nous sommes heureuses de découvrir et de comprendre que « le pardon » est un trésor, un cadeau qu’on se donne l’autorisation de s’offrir à soi-même ; c’est là tout le pouvoir du pardon qui guérit, qui nous reconstruit, nous réconcilie d’abord avec nous-mêmes, nous relève et nous propulse vers l’avant. Le pardon est différent de la réconciliation. Il est une libération de ce qui nous emprisonne. Pardonner c’est se sentir suffisamment libre pour imaginer et construire notre futur. Pardonner c’est vraiment arrêter de retourner le couteau dans la plaie en y revenant ; c’est une décision personnelle. Nous avons compris que le pardon est un processus ; nous ne devons pas être pressées, mais laisser le temps faire son chemin en nous. ​ Le Deuil. L’expérience du deuil a une double signification. Elle a un sens objectif et un sens Subjectif conscient ou inconscient. Chaque perte s’accompagne d’une crise devant laquelle il y a un choix à faire, un passage à réaliser dans notre vie. C’est pourquoi, si on n’a pas vécu le deuil on reste prisonnier dans la crise. Il est important de vivre pleinement ce moment sans faire semblant tout en gardant notre Foi. En définitive, lorsque nous vivons correctement nos deuils, nous sommes mieux disposés à développer l’attitude de foi et nous accueillons la vie sous toutes ses formes comme un don de Dieu. Nous avons terminé ce grand moment qui nous a amenés à nous mettre face à nous-mêmes, avec un temps de récollection - intériorisation, intitulé: « il posa sur moi son regard et se mit à m’aimer. 2e modules animé par La sœur Marie Sidonie OYEMBO, cic « Convaincu que jamais que je devais agir tout autrement… il me semble voir un peu plus clair ce que je dois faire. Mais cependant je sens que je vais encore à tâtons et je conçois que j’aurais besoin de voir en pratique… » Nous avons entamé le deuxième module avec sœur Marie Sidonie, qui nous a amené à goûter à la source de nos racines de Congrégation. Après avoir redéfini le charisme, le charisme de fondation, son acquisition et sa transmission, nous avons revu quelques éléments de la théologie de la Vie consacrée : la théologie des charismes, la théologie de la compagnie de Jésus, la Théologie des diaconies ou du service… Pour aller plus loin avec notre identité comme Sœurs de l’Immaculée Conception de Castres, nous avons travaillé avec les textes fondateurs qui ont nourri la vie d’Emilie, et affiné son charisme, dans la Parole de Dieu. Ensuite nous avons bu une fois de plus au puits de ses écrits depuis les origines. Dans cette expérience d’immersion charismatique, nous avons découvert combien le charisme et la spiritualité traversent les âges de notre vie, s’enracinent en nous jusqu’à graver au plus profond de nous le charisme d’institut. Cette expérience nous a aidées à unifier charisme d’institut et charismes personnels et à mieux intégrer la Congrégation comme un corps unique dont la sève du charisme féconde la vie de chaque sœur et de tout l’ensemble. Une des expériences significatives a été de relire la vie d’Emilie dans la perspective de la traversée de ses crises comme passages pour se river à Dieu Seul : crises de l’enfance, de l’adolescence, de la fondation de la Congrégation…de redécouvrir Sœur Françoise comme tisseuse avec Emilie, dans la communauté fondante de la Rue Tolosane, du charisme d’institut « 175 ans après, vers de nouveaux horizons missionnaires, inspirées par quelques figures d’ancêtres » À la rencontre de nos sœurs devancières, nous avons redécouvert des figures emblématiques de notre histoire de congrégation en Afrique : Sœur Louise Renaud, Sœur Saint Charles Villeneuve, et Sœur Hyacinthe Antini. Sœur Marie Claver Laurens, Sr Marie Justine Agbo, Sœur Paul Lapique, Sœur Dominique Guyol, A partir de la pédagogie de la lectio divina, nous avons contemplé leur zèle missionnaire inséré dans la réalité africaine des époques où elles ont vécu. Nous avons perçu en elles bien vivant le charisme d’institut. Elles ont été des femmes fécondes, passeuses du charisme d’institut par leur vie. Elles ont unifié les dons et talents personnels de leurs charismes personnels pour la croissance du charisme d’institut. Leur témoignage de vie de foi, leur détermination dans la mission et le zèle pour les pauvres nous impressionnent et sont une lumière sur nos routes. Elles ont fait l’expérience fondante du Christ à travers le charisme vécu dans sa totalité. Leur vie était en adéquation avec les constitutions. Merci chères sœurs pour votre vie toute donnée. ​ Femmes battantes comme nous, elles ont su faire la transition pour nous laisser cet héritage précieux du charisme bleu. « L’Eau de notre puits est abondante ! », À nous de continuer d’y puiser et de l’offrir à tous les assoiffés de Vie! Avec l’autobiographie et la prière d’alliance, nous avons toutes renouvelé notre disponibilité à poursuite la route à la suite de Jésus Sauveur. La célébration de clôture nous a permis de relire notre histoire personnelle et d’en faire le point. Les partages étaient très profonds. Nous ne pouvons clore ce partage sans souligner les célébrations eucharistiques qui nous ont nourries et les temps d’oraison bien accompagnés par des fiches quotidiennes. ​ Merci à l’Equipe Générale qui nous a accompagnées avec intérêt, aux trois équipes provinciales d’Afrique qui ont cru et encouragé ce projet, à l’équipe de formation de la REPA qui, depuis trois ans a accompagné pas à pas le processus de ce rêve jusqu’à sa réalisation, merci à nos deux formatrices pour le partage de leur expérience, le chemin fait ensemble comme sœurs, merci aux recyclantes véritables compagnes de grâces. Merci à toutes nos sœurs, nos communautés qui ont collaboré et certaines accueilli le recyclage dans leur cœur et les murs de leur maison. Morceaux choisis des Journaux du Recyclage de la REPA PREPARANT LE CHAPITRE GENERAL "Autour du feu, nous vivons la synodalité" un groupe Une des salles! Participantes Participantes : 140 Sales Soeur Justi Muñoz Supérieure générale de la Congrégation Immaculée Conception de Castres un groupe Une des salles! 1/4 Contact Echos du Conseil de Congrégation 17 septembre 2022 Echos du Conseil de Congrégation - 10-12 juin 2021 par l'équipe de communication ​ "Autour du feu, nous apprenons à être frères et sœurs." Du jamais vu pour nous : un Conseil de Congrégation en ligne ! Quels changements nous a imposés cette période de pandémie! Quelle créativité ! Il était prévu qu'en 2020 cette réunion se tienne à Barcelone, mais avec la crise pandémique qui a ravagé le monde, nous avons dû attendre une autre occasion. Cela ne s'est pas déroulé comme prévu en présence, mais maintenant un peu plus habitués aux ressources technologiques de la vidéoconférence, il a été possible de réunir la famille charismatiqu e bleue à travers la plateforme Zoom, avec la structure de transmission fournie par l'UISG - Union Internationale des Supérieures Générales - et le support technique d'Anna et Francesco. ​ Artisants de rencontres salvatrices qui transforment et dignifient. Introduction à la culture du prendre soin. Juin 2021 ​ Objectif : 🞂Offrir un espace de formation sur l'accompagnement et la protection dans l'Église et dans la Congrégation. 🞂En présentant le contexte, les concepts clés, les outils et les bonnes pratiques. 🞂Avancer dans une plus grande compréhension de ce que signifie développer la culture du soin et de la protection dans la Congrégation, en tenant compte de la réalité de chaque lieu. ​ Schéma : Introduction Le fondement de la culture du prendre soin et de la protection. La nécessité structurelle de s’en occuper : documents de l'Église et documents de la congrégation. Notions clés : abus sexuel, abus de pouvoir, abus de conscience. Abus spirituel, mineur, personne vulnérable, consentement éclairé. A partir de la Congrégation : Prévenir, protéger, réparer et accompagner à tout moment. ◦Identification des besoins : carte des risques ◦Sensibilisation : formation et information ◦Organisation : déclaration de principes et protocoles d'action. Communication ◦Accompagner dans les situations de vulnérabilité. Quelques pas qui se font : le chemin se fait en marchant. ​

  • Site ndiccastres & FAQ | Immaculée Conception

    FAQs Vous êtes sur le site de la Congrégation de Notre Dame de l'Immaculée Conception de Castres Site Web : Maison Générale à Roma Via Vincenzo Viara de Ricci, 24 00168 - ROMA Italia Maison Mère à Castres 11 avenue Emilie de Villeneuve 81100 - Castres ​ Ce site est édité par la congrégation : Webmaster : Sœur s Julita Balarini et Cinthia Mouissi 5 rue du Louvre 06500 MENTON - France Tél. : +33 6 62 89 69 39 Créé et hébergé : Plateforme de la Société ​ Contact : Si vous avez des questions relatives à notre site, contactez-nous via notre formulaire de contact en ligne. ​ Politique vis à vis des cookies : Vous pouvez désactiver l'utilisation de cookies en sélectionnant les paramètres appropriés de votre navigateur. Cependant une telle désactivation pourrait empêcher l'utilisation de certaines fonctionnalités de ce site. ​ ​ ​ FAQ

  • Immaculée Conception de Castres - Soeurs Bleues

    Button Missionary life in the world - in English Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie Home “Welcome” Community of Limoges WELCOME LIMOGES community! ​ Tomorrow, February 15, we welcome Seydouba… A name that sings… but behind which seems to hide great suffering… This is how Hélène, the manager, introduced him to us. He lived through a difficult crossing in which he lost several of his loved ones… He may share something of it with us, at a time that he himself has chosen, otherwise, we will try to accompany his pain discreetly… We We asked Vincent, whom we are currently hosting, to be his "big brother", which he will no doubt do very well because there is often real solidarity between them. ​ Séydouba will be our 27 welcomed…. Before him we received families with children, isolated people for stays of one to two months. Most came from Afghanistan or Africa (currently many from Guinea) A few came from Albania, Georgia, Syria, Iraq…. A few have passed and disappeared from our horizon…. Rejection of their asylum application, work found elsewhere, desire to get closer to known friends here or there… Many have stayed and have maintained ties with us. They often tell us that we are their family from France. When they have had their papers and have been able to bring their wife and children, they are happy to introduce them to us and, one day, to invite us to their home around a dish from their country…. Among those with whom we have kept ties there is Hassan who had a good job in Iraq and who has just finished training as a household appliance repairer, Firas who has resumed law studies to have his diploma validated. Syrian lawyer, Costantin, professor in his country, Georgia, and who guts chickens all day to earn a living for his family… Sekou who experienced prison in Guinea and whose brother died there._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Thanks to Michelle, he was able to join an Emmaüs community in Béthune where he rediscovered the joy of living... ​ Salah with such a sweet look… wrote detective novels and won a literature prize in Sudan. He has just completed training as a mason. While he was with us he cried at night and apologized in the morning... Allasane told us that his exuberance was his way of hiding the suffering that inhabited him: that of the death of his family during the war, when he was a child and the torture suffered in Libyan prisons... Their resilience is surely underpinned by the deep faith that many demonstrate. They all have a face, a story for us… Their photos are in the hallway of their apartment and remind us of their stay with us over the years. The evening meals we shared with everyone, the informal exchanges…. have forged real ties. Behind each face, each of us can put a memory, an anecdote. ​ We are aware of being a happy stage in their chaotic journey. Our community was partly built around this welcome. We measure how lucky we are to have been able to meet, for a certain period of time and with real closeness, so many people who remain unique and whose memory lives in our hearts and our prayers. Sister Marie Dominique Cassin Limoges County Spécial rdc * Special DRC FOCUS! * ​ AUDIENCE OF HIS EMINENCE FRIDOLIN CARDINAL AMBONGO WITH THE DELEGATION OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF CASTRES ​ Diocesan Communication Service (Kinshasa) AUDIENCE OF HIS EMINENCE FRIDOLIN CARDINAL AMBONGO WITH THE DELEGATION OF THE SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF CASTRES ​ ​ Today Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 9 a.m., His Eminence's office welcomed the delegation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Castres led by Sister General Justi of Rome. There was the presence in the delegation of the Sisters General Councilors Marie, Béatrice and Irma who also came from Rome, the Provincial Louise Sadio from Gabon and Sister Thérèse Ntumba from the DRC. It should be noted that it is rare for all these officials scattered around the world to find themselves in one country at the same time. For this time, general and provincial teams have a assembly general in the DRC. These same general and provincial teams will participate in the perpetual vows of three religious of the Congregation this Saturday, January 23, 2021 at Saint Andrien de Ngaba, a mass which will be celebrated by Bishop Carlos Ndaka. Founded on December 8, 1936 in France, the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception has established itself all over the world. Diocesan Communication Service (Kinshasa) PHOTOS: PERPETUAL PROFESSIONS OF OUR SISTERS IN THE DRC JANUARY 23, 2021_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-186bad5cf5 In the DRC this 01/23/2021: Perpetual profession of our sisters. Solidarity with those who suffer the consequences covid 19 Perpetual profession of our sisters in January: bénin et rdc Menton: let's pray together in our pretty chapel Fratelli Tutti and Emilie Echo of the Blue Nest N° 16 PERPETUAL PROFESSIONS OF OUR SISTERS IN DECEMBER: MEXICO CITY - ROMA - DAKAR NEYMY Mexico GHISLAINE Roma CELESTIN LUCY MARIE ODETTE Dakar facebook celebration december 5 Video of the celebration Celebration photo album with the mother house, let's prepare together the feast of the Immaculate Conception Novena of the Immaculate at the Mother House - youtube Catholic Parish Castres accompany the celebrations of the parish of castres at the motherhouse testimony of our last 4 superiors general of the congregation LIVE AZUL II "O SENTIR EO PULSAR" In partnership with the Loyola group! *Feel and Give the impetus where Life cries out for Life" with the last 4 Superiors General of the Congregation ' *Special LOYOLA FOCUS!* ​ We will have the honor, once again, to receive the *Blue Sisters (Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of Castres)*, who will speak to us about the THEME: * FEEL and GIVE IMPETUS ! WHERE LA VIE CLAME FOR LIFE! * - The successors of Sainte Emilie talk to us. The Blue Sisters, in their charism, are invited to be missionaries wherever they find themselves, to dare to fight for justice, for peace, for respect and attention to the weakest, in all places of life; to do all this out of LOVE according to the motto that the Congregation has adopted: "they will go without hesitation where the voice of the poor calls them". ​ *On 10/24 at 09:00 (Brasília time), 2:00 p.m. (Paris time), we are waiting for you! *Live link: (click on images) *Live link*: (click on the images) 'This "RETROSPECTIVE HISTORY" of GOD'S WALK WITH US ... from the PERIOD of our GENERAL MARIA GABRIELA SONEIRA*, does not belong only to the SISTERS BLEUES, but to all those who, in so many countries, MAKE THE WAY WITH THE BLUE FAMILY and to FOLLOW JESUS, THE SAVIOR, LOVE LIFE.``` testimony of our sisters and communities at this time of confinement Community of St Jacques ' *In this time of a pandemic...* ​ At the start of confinement, a young Senegalese knocked on our door. “ I came to ask for a service. I'm in BTS and I can't connect to my studio to follow my teachers' video conferences. Would it be possible to welcome me to your home ? » I ask for a time of reflection, to make a community discernment . Because we are 8 sisters at risk, the oldest is 93 years old. And, quickly, we give the green light to this young person. ​ We welcome him, one, two, three times a day during the week. We provide him with the hydroalcoholic product, he wears his mask. We offer him a room to settle in, but he can't connect… So we give up our community room. This involves jostling us : new organization for our meetings, being careful not to disturb him in his work, then the fear, for each one that he could transmit the virus to us in the community. We wanted to give this youngster a chance of success. In June, he came to thank us, because he was going to second year. Throughout the time of confinement, the parish secretariat, to keep in touch with the faithful, sends us the parish sheet every week with its news and asks us to be a relay, en les_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ transmitting to our contacts and neighbors, who do not have internet in their mailbox. We responded to this request, which allowed us to forge links. At the déconfinement, many came to thank us for this service. _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sisters of N/D of the Immaculate Conception of CASTRES -_cc781905-5cde-3193_cf-516-bad3 Saint Jacques community in Castres Echo of the Blue Nest En Haiti, with Sainte Emilie, a well for the poorest Young postulants in Senegal on October 3 sisters commit themselves definitively and for one year following christ October 3: Feast of Saint Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve perpetual profession of laure deymier in castres - france. Mass at Saint Benoit live. Accompanied youtube diocese of albi first wishes of gertrude melhou in cotonou - benin October 2 and 3: lives homenages et celebrations a Sainte Emilie (em pt) the feast of Saint Jeanne-Emilie de Villeneuve: preparation (click on the book to view it or download it) ​ perpetual profession of laure deymier in castres - france youtube diocese of albi RCF A WEBINAR JPIC: BUILDING BRIDGES AND RECONCILIATE FRATELLI TUTTI ​ February 4, 11, 18, 25, 2021 and March 4, 2021 ​ 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ​ To register : ​ IN THIS TIME OF CHRISTMAS WISHES AND PRAYERS... Reflection and interiorization - Sr. Marie Philomène in Gabon: pilgrimage with saint emilie preparing her feast drc - colony with young people On a pilgrimage with Saint Emilie in the families of young people in search of their vocation.... today we are on the 6th day of the novena.... what graces and joy shared.... On the 3rd day the mother of one of the young people gave birth and the little one is called Jeanne Emilie... this October 3, 2020: feast of saint jeanne emilie ​ ​ perpetual profession of laure deymier in castres - france meeting with sister laure Deymier (diocese of Albi) ​ ​ first wishes of gertrude melhou in cotonou - benin haiti: daily activities haiti: activities in pptx PHILIPPINES This July 25, 2020 the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Castres rejoice with Sister Priyangika who makes her final vows. In French, in Portuguese in manila: eucharistic celebration during which our sister priyangika pronounces her final vows to jesus the savior blue mission in west africa: senegal, guinea bissau, burkina faso. The sisters Blue in times of pandemic DTP "Our places of Solidarity put to the test by Covid 19" Social "The response of the little blue hummingbird" procession at the blue convent: Saturday August 1, 2020 During the period of confinement due to the covid-19 virus, the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes is cancelled. in castres prayer in honor of marie at the blue convent this saturday 1st august 2020. first mass of françois de villeneuve at the motherhouse. In times of pandemic click here to accompany the mission of our sisters in west africa. To read the articles, see the videos... click on the link of each image>>>. YOU CAN SUPPORT ALL ACTIONS THROUGH THE WEST AFRICA SITE Covid 19, reality or nonsense: the bet of living in a HEALTHY and HOLY world FRANCE & PAO: Responses to covid-19 Sister Gilles Aimée CISSE, Immaculate Conception Institution - SENEGAL with mary and as emilia, be disciples of jesus Community Lourdes-Soum Students celebrate the 98th birthday of Sister Hélène Marie on June 18, 2020 _ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ BENIN - MISSION The General Team visiting the mission in Benin. SENEGAL: TRIBUTE Sister Gilles Aimée:.Woman Reference... ​ BENIN - PARAKOU Video: Parakou en Fête! 75 years of Evangelization ​ MENTON - MIGRANTS Action in favor of migrants at Menton. ​ GABON THE CHILDREN Children's Rights Day. ​ A new community is born in Senegal at Mandina wandifa, in the diocese of Kolda. The Blue community is established in Madina Wandifa on January 11, 2020. A memorable date is that of the arrival of the first blue missionaries in Senegal in 1848. The Sisters were warmly welcomed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Kolda, Monsignor Jean-Pierre Bassene. Three sisters make up the community: Ines Germaine Gomis, Marguerite Pascale Sadio, both Senegalese and Emilienne Nacoulma one of the first two nuns in Burkina Faso who just made her profession there just 6 months old. Beyond the cultural, it is a whole mission of proximity that we try to live. Like our predecessors, we go from house to house to visit families, traditional authorities and in the villages we go with the priest to celebrate the Eucharist. For the children we are nurses who have come for the vaccination... For the adults of the pastors... for others of the unknown... in short, we arouse curiosity. We are more with the catechists for the needs of the pastoral evangelization of the villages. There is a lot to do but we take the time to "go to" and "be with". May Saint Emilie through your prayers continue to show us the way. (Sister Marguerite Sadio) MISSION COTIA - SÃO PAULO Missionary action in Cotia - Sisters and Lay Blues. ​ MISSION AU MATO GROSSO JANVIER 2020 Missionary action in Mato Grosso. ​ SPAIN: CAMPOHERMOSO Mission of the Blue Sisters in Campohermoso with migrants. ​ MATO GROSSO cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_MEBEMGOKRÊ MEETING Meetings of Indigenous Liders in Mato Grosso ​ WITH THE POPE - SIPT Joy at the General House with the Common House Team of the Synod. ​ ROMITELO WELCOMES... Joy at the General House with the Common House Team of the Synod. ​ SPAIN - BURGOS Joy at the General House with the Common House Team of the Synod. ​ BENIGN Joy at the General House with the Common House Team of the Synod. ​ The Apostolic Exhortation synodal amazonia of Pope Francis the Pope's Exhortation for a Church with an Amazonian face. Francis' "great dreams" for the Amazon The Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis HAITI - GOODBYE The simplicity and the courage of these valiant women helped me. ​ CASTRES LAURE At the Mother House Laure renews her vows religieux this 10/19/2019 ​ SYNOD IN ROME The Synod of Bishops for the Amazon: Highlight of the Universal Church. ​ THE CHILDREN WITH EMILIE During the school holidays the catechesis of the Parish. ​ IN GABON LIBREVILLE - January 2020: "ALL UNITED FOR PEACE MISSION OF OUR SISTERS OF CAMPOHERMOSO link of the da live: youtube congregation and edições loyola de são paulo Feast of Mary Immaculate Video: Consecration to the Immaculate Sung by Father Anderson Gomes (Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Praia da Costa Vila Velha ES. Images: Convento da Penha Vila Velha ES Brazil RADIO PRESENCE: THE THREE EMILIES Consecration to Mary Immaculate ​ Mary, Mother of the God of life and our Mother, full realization of God's Project, on this day that the Church consecrates to you, we want to repeat to you our affection, our love, our prayers, and the commitment of our whole being to follow your Son. Gathered today, as brothers and sisters of the same " famille ", we want to ask you to accept to be the first and perpetual animator of our “ Congregation ”. The Mother and sister of each and every one of us. Accompany us throughout our walk ! Help us to live our Baptism and our Consecration, according to the Gospel. To convert our heart to the demands of the Kingdom, renouncing ourselves, to assume, following Jesus, all his attitudes and feelings. To passionately seek the Will of God and its realization in us and in the world, so that the PROJECT OF GOD may be accomplished in each sister, each brother and in the Institute. We renew our commitment, to accept in our life the mediations which are for us, the expression of the will of God, and to live with love, coherence and fidelity, our Consecration to God, to our brothers and sisters, especially the most poor and needy. May the Holy Spirit, from whom all Life proceeds, fertilize our mission For the Reign of Christ to be realized in all its fullness. AMEN. ​ (From the Consecration of Ste Jeanne Emilie de Villeneuve) Novena to the Holy Spirit with Emilie 1er. Jour Neuvaine de la Pentecôte avec Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve. 2ème jour Neuvaine de la Pentecôte avec Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve. 9ème jour Neuvaine de la Pentecôte avec Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve. 1er. Jour Neuvaine de la Pentecôte avec Sainte Emilie de Villeneuve. 1/9 procession at the blue convent: Saturday August 1, 2020

  • In Portuguese | Immaculée Conception

    mission of the sisters of the immaculate conception - texts in portuguese Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie migrants na Amazonia: barreiras nas bordereiras com o perú Photos Conheça a história de pessoas que, 10 anos atrás, chegavam ao Brasil pela bordere do Acre com o Peru em busca de uma vida melhor, e que agora fazem o movimento inverso, deixando para trás um Brasil mergulhado numa grave social crisis. ​ O problema é que as fronteiras estão fechadas e es não conseguem seguir viagem. ​ Uma ponte passou a ser o endereço de muitos nos últimos dias. Sister Joaninha ​ Cuiabá: o colégio Notre Dame of Lourdes festeja seus 50 years of life! 11 de fevereiro de 1971 Irma Marluce Director Irmã Lurdes Corona faz memória da missão Azul em abdon batista. A comunidade de santa rosa (mt) solidária com os irmãos but necessitados. Em solidariedade aos que sofrem pelas consequências do covid Celebração paroquial em valadares: envio de alice helena Testemunhos de vida de nossas irmãs... presença do carisma de Santa Emilie gotta vizinhos: com os mais pobres em petrolina: natal solidário com os mais pobres radio católica de osasco com irmã Maria veronese vida missionária azul in nordestina - bahia CARISMA AZUL! UM JEITO OF SER FELIZ... Deus de minha vida NOVA MISSÃO PARA AS IRMÃS EM VALADARES LIVE AZUL II "O SENTIR EO PULSAR" COLEGIO EMILIE DE VILLENEUVE - SÃO PAULO Em Haiti, com Santa Emilie um poço para os mais pobres LIVE IRMA IZABETE DAL FARRA 28/10/2020_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Live: Ensino Médio: Mitos e Verdades. O ensino médio inovado no Emilie. Facebook of the Diocese of Caçador SC. Participação da Irmã Izabete da comunidade de Cariacica ES. AT Mãe Aparecida: Ir. Janete Silva ( official clip) Acompanhe no Facebook of the diocese of Caçador SC. Participação da Irmã Izabete da comunidade de Cariacica ES. festa de santa emilie - 5 years of sua canonização "Tenham uma santa predileção para os pobres, os pequenos, os fracos e os aflitos". (Emilie D.1852-103) lives! drive-thru! 2 e 3 de outubro: acompanhe click link click link 3:30 p.m. (click no livro para consultar or baixar) click link acompanhe todas as lives of congregação despedida de irmã Julia: Cidade dos Meninos Triduo com os jovens de valadares live: ser azul um jeito de ser feliz link da live: youtube live 31 de agosto de 2020 at 10:00 - brasília_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf580_ time - 15:00 leitura orante com os pais - cuiabá com o papa francisco: angelus do 08/16/2020 Fomos chegando na Praça São Pedro de all cantos da Cidade Eterna e arredores. De longe já dava para sensa a sinergia criada pela alegría de reunir-nos depois de tantos tempo que não nos víamos. Com os devidos cuidados pela siruação da pandemia, as expressões bem brasileiras de "como vai?", "que bom te ver!!!", faith fazendo desde momento, um momento sagrado, culminado con o canto "tudo está interligado, como se fôssemos um...". E, é claro, não podía faltar "Santa Mãe María, nesta travesía, cubra-nos teu manto cor de anil". Quando a Papa Francisco apareceu na janela a manifestação de nosso grupo foi singular. Estávamos ali de corpo e alma, unidas e em comunhão com toda a VR que começa hoje a Semana da Vida Consagrada no Brasil. O Papa também se uniu à nossa oração. Voltamos para nossas casas fortalecidas e fortalecidos por viver este momento de grupo, que nos anima, junto com a VR do Brasil, desde a experiencia de "amados e chamados por Deus, a ter a coragem de levar adiante nossa missão profética juntos e juntas, em fraternal sororidade, na cumplicidade do Reino, nossa utopia! (Irene Tessarollo - Roma) ​ com nossas irmãs irmã ana célia de oliveira - a vida religiosa agosto: mes vocacional. toda vocação vem de Deus com irmã janete agosto: mes vocacional. com irmã lurdes corona: "amados, chamados por deus" New mission for the Sisters of the Cidade dos Meninos em Valadares Em Haïti, com Santa Emilie um_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_poço para bones but poor Amigos, o dia 3 de outubro foi um dia de muita alegria para a comunidade do Haiti, pois tivemos a graça de celebrar com as crianças do Coral Emilie e de compartilhar com o povo a água do nosso poço .Durante o tempo mais intenso da pandemia sentimos que Deus nos pedia de fazer algo mais concretamente para ajudar o povo, pois vemos cotidianamente a sua luta para conseguir água. Diante disso, refleximos e tomamos a decisão de furar um poço no Centro. No começo pensamos que iria demorar muito e não tínhamos certeza se conseguiríamos encontrar água no terreno, mas lembramos que Emilie sempre nos animou a ter confiança inabalável em Deus e_cc781905-5cde_cfdix-3bbadá18-cf58-deus-3b194 lo act. Confiamos na sua providência e no dia que comemoramos a sanidade de Emilie, tivemos muita energia o que tem pouco no Haiti, água para encher as caixas e compartilhar com all as famílias. E very dias por semana continuaremos a dar água a população e fazer o atendimento no dispensário. AFRICA Cultural tradições e religiosas africanas como uma forma de vida e de pensamento In French, in Portuguese at the time of pandemic... at the time of pandemic... As Irmãs Azuis e os Leigos Missionários de Petrolina-PE estão com uma ação solidária, fornecendo cestas básicas, kits de material de limpeza e higiene, máscaras_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_para families carentes do Bairro Jardim Petrópolis. Uma foto de Santa Emilia acompanha com orações para o fim da pandemia. Alegria imensa dos que recebem esses dons de primeira necessidade. ​ live com as irmãs da congregação cultural tradições e religiosas africanas como uma forma de vida e de Pensamento vai passar - nova música de Ir. janete da silva da congregação de nossa sra. da imacualada Conceição de castres - azuis adia ENEM mensagem dos alunos da 3a. série do colégio notre dame de lourdes em cuiaba mt _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_18 May 2020 Documento pos videoconference in pdf. ​ os alunos da 3a. series of the Notre Dame de Lourdes colégio em cuiaba se mobilizam em prol do adiamento do enem. ​ ​ santa Emilie: "irão onde a voz do pobre as chamar" "Tive fome e deste me de comer", says Jesus. E Santa Emilie: "Irão onde a voz do pobre as chamar". Assim a Província de São Paulo partilha com os que têm fome, participando com esse gesto no isolamento.Desta vez foi na Favela Coreia; at 1a. vez faith para os catadores de material reciclável da rua das Amerexeiras. (Irmã Maria da Penha Oliveira)

  • In Spanish | Immaculée Conception

    misión de la hermanas textos en español Philippines Mission Brésil Education Mission 2021 Doc. esp. Témoignages Amazonie synode 2023 Amazonie Mission Cic Pandémie PAGES IN Preparerándonos to celebrate the fiesta live cecilia e angelina Argentina, Venezuela, Spain. in times of pandemic... PARAGUAY Laicos azules of Luque y San Lorenzo of the Provincia of Paraguay. Olla popular y entrega de víveres. In Spanish in time of pandemic: paraguay and argentina For leer los artículos, ver los videos ... haga clic en el enlace de la imagen>>> ROMA VATICAN Las Hermanas en formation participan en la audiencia del Papa Francisco. ​ ROMA CASA GENERAL Alegría in the Casa general con el equipo Casa Comun del Sínodo. ​ SPAIN - BURGOS La comunidad parroquial celebra en Burgos: 25 años de presencia azul.. ​ BENIGN Homenaje de Benin a la hermana André Marie Angles. ​ ​ HAITI La simplicidad y el coraje de estas valientes mujeres me ayudaron. ​ ​ CASTRES In the Casa Madre, Laure renueva sus votos religiosos el 19/10/2019 ​ ​ ROMA SINODO El Sínodo de los Obispos para la Amazonía: an important moment of the Iglesia Universal. ​ CASTRES CASA MADRE During the school vacations of the Catequesis de la Parroquia. ​ ​ covid en perú! Cuánto cuesta la vida? From las hermanas Azules de Argentina Video of the Convent. Significant experiences of the Comunidad del convento during the Cuarentena Covid 19, 2020 ​ Provincia Argentina - Uruguay “SOM REFUGI” UN AÑO TRABAJANDO PARA EL FUTURO Caritas Diocesana of Gerona -leer + Del Periodico EL PUNT AVUI. 10-02-2020 GIRONA Mision Campohermoso The Mission of the Community of Campohermoso ​ ​ Hna Maria Elisenda Audience of Papa Francisco Vocational Encuentro in Caacupemi Audiencia del Papa Francisco in the Curia Romana on 21-12-2019 ​ DIRECTION OF THE PAPA TO THE CURIA ROMANA PARA LA NAVIDAD. 21 December 2019 ​ Vatican News 25 years of presence-mission in Burgos 25 AÑOS DE PRESENCIA-MISIÓN IN BURGOS social market con los migrants- españa Entrevista com la presidenta de clar 8° encuentrode basic ecclesial communities in uruguay Sinodo para la amazonia: web oficial roma casa generale y la equipo DEL EQUIPO DE LA CASA COMÚN DEL SÍNODO CASA GENERALE : PHOTO ALBUM El 21 de octubre de 2019, el Equipo de Animation General de la Congregación, las Hermanas Jóvenes en Formación y la Comunidad de Roma will welcome the traveling team 136bad5cf58d_Amazonia Amazonia... Bethune... Gabon... Argentina Mission Amazonia Octubre 2018 Joaninha e Gorete em missão na Amazonia... VEER PHOTOS Beatificación de mártires en Argentina el 27 de abril 2019 Beatificación de los mártires en Argentina Monsignor Jean-Louis Balsa, Obispo de Viviers presented the pastoral carried out on this occasion for young people, in the KTOTV television chain: Beatification in Argentina ​ El próximo 27 de abril, el Padre Gabriel Longueville will be beatificado in Argentina. El missionero del Departamento de Ardeche was sent to the diocese of La Rioja there asesinado por la dictadura militar in 1976. One of our three young people from the diocese of Viviers fueron passed a mes del otro lado del Atlántico to discover this figure of sanity. This experience los marcó profundamente. This is “pedagogía de pisar la misma tierra”, the breeding ground for young people of the diocese in Ventimiglia, in the border between Francia and Italy, for compartir con migrants. Hoy, la sensitización sobre estos temas se realiza también en las escuelas. Monsignor Jean-Louis Balsa exhorted the católicos a to convert el corazón frente a la realidad de los migrants, “es la ocasión de encontrarse con Cristo”. Subrayó también la “pastoral de la sirofenicia”, esta mujer bíblica que quiso recoger “las migas que caen de la mesa” of Jesus. Los laicos en misión desean especialmente acompañar y cuidar a las personas que se acercan a la Iglesia para que se sientan completamente integradas” Aired on 04/15/2019 / Duration: 26 minutes ​ ​ CELEBRACION EN VIVO 2 CELEBRACION EN VIVO BEATIFICACIÓN OF MÁRTIRES IN ARGENTINA EL 27 DE ABRIL Monsignor Jean-Louis Balsa, Obispo de Viviers presented the pastoral realized in this opportunity for young people, in the chain of KTO television. ​ ​ Colegio Inmaculada Concepción de Ciudadela y los mártires Preparation for the Beatification of Monsignor Enrique Angelelli and Compañeros Mártires a Realizarse el 26 de abril de 2019 en la Provincia de La Rioja - Argentina Bolivia - Capitulo. . . Province of MT/ Bolívia - en Bolivia El fuego sigue encendido y esta vez llegó hasta Bolívia. Sentimos nuestro corazón arder y calentar en muchos momentos de este dia. A traves del compartir y dinamicas percibimos que queremos continuar con dinamismo la danza de la vida llevando ese fuego a nuestros Hermanos y Hermanas parabbrnar035cc7819-c 136bad5cf58d_ a "Jesus conocido y amado" E spa ñ a . . . Hermosas fiestas in el Colegio de Lloret de Mar Video: Lloret de Mar June 16, 2018 E n cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ . . Haciendo presence! Haciendo presencia, conteniendo en el dolor a los pobre perdieron lo poco que tenían a causa de las inundaciones... Hna. Elisa Norma Gimenez (Argentina) E spa ñ a y A fric a . . . A m e rica . . . ¡Vamos a Castres ... a la Nueva Jerusalén! Spain: Raices y alas para sonar MISIÓN HERMANAS DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN DE CASTRES EN_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ SAO DOMINGOS - GUINEA BISSAU

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